Logbook entry

Mal Content

27 Feb 2022Iridium Nova
Some years back I made the acquaintance of another PFed Commander by the name of Mal. Something of a local celebrity in the Pathamon system, he was running a popular broadcast station, dispensing useful information to new pilots and organizing small groups to perform various beneficial activities in the local area. He's an ex-military Aisling supporter with a talent for the technical and enough natural charisma to win friends and allies across the system. I helped him out on some local projects, which partly included making unofficial contact with the local pirate faction and arranging for them to act as a darknet contact for some of the more dangerous pilots helping Mal fend off outside incursions into the system. I believe that listening post at Phillips Depot is still operational and public access, in case any of you readers are looking for a free data node in that system. Good old freedom of information. Just don't fly too close. They get nervous when they see ships. Best to land some distance away and drive up.

Anyway, after that op I went my own way, as is my way. Since then, Mal, aka CMDR MalForTheWin, has gone on to establish the Dogs of Lore, a brotherhood of sorts, supporting pilots of all types, giving them a safe space to call home in this part of the galaxy and acting as a coordinating community for local aid projects and economic development in the surrounding systems. Mal still broadcasts on a somewhat regular basis and his community is as tight knit as ever.

I've recently returned to the area to check on things and see what kinds of adventures the old dog is getting up to. So far, things seem to be going fairly well for them but they recently had to fend off two hostile actions from other factions. They won both, so it seems they've got things under control. That said, I've got a gut feeling that there's something off. Maybe I've been in this line of work for too long, now whenever everything is fine I'm automatically looking for the thing that ruins it all. Maybe I'm like that because of how often I end up being that thing. I guess it's a good thing I'm on Mal's side.
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