Logbook entry

Voice of the People

01 Mar 2022Iridium Nova
I've been watching the election in HR 8133 with some interest. A prominent pro-Canonn leader is lobbying to transfer control of Ricardo Gateway to the Canonn, which would increase our influence in the system and give us system authority. For the most part, popular opinion is on our side, but there's been significant political resistance, mainly from the Federation population in the system. Naturally, given recent events, I decided to investigate.

While I'm still no closer to tracking down the anti-Canonn faction responsible for the turmoil in Haiden, it seems quite likely that this same group is responsible for supporting the opposing political party in HR 8133. They're good at covering their tracks and unfortunately, elections are not my forte. While I'm all for letting the people decide their own fate, when it comes to convincing people to choose one slimy asshole over another, I tend to come up short on words. This is why I have a lot of guns. Anyway, since this particular slimy asshole happens to have a Canonn brand tinfoil hat and a liking for biscuits, I'm going to be rooting for him. In the meantime, I'll be paying close attention to his campaign and the polls to see if these nefarious interlopers tip their hand...
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