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Marsonna Madness

11 Mar 2022Iridium Nova
After wrapping up things in Haiden once again, I got word from one of the Dogs over in Marsonna, a system near Pathamon and previously one of the Dogs of Lore's economic systems. This is a system I've been through many times recently, being near Pathamon it was part of that job. Since I had left to deal with Haiden again, several things had occurred in the system, mainly to do with new factions attempting to take control from the apparently stagnant mercenary company currently controlling the system (through a tentative arrangement with the Dogs). Anyway, since these mercs seemed to have lost the ability to maintain control of the system and were under attack not only by a group of cheeky outsiders called the "Criminals in Disguise", as well as their own people, it seemed it was time for the Dogs to step in and reassert control. Mal himself was too busy to get directly involved but since I seem to have a morbid interest in spontaneous regime change, I agreed to see what I could do.

The first thing to do was set up a similar security foundation for the Dogs in Marsonna, like what I did in Pathamon. With that done, I had a stable base of operations to dismantle the CID operation. I could go into detail about it all but it's pretty much run of the mill intelligence work, which actually isn't all that exciting. It involves talking to boring people, giving money to boring people, and downloading a lot of boring data. Although sometimes that boring data is on a really big spaceship. I guess that's kinda neat, but there really wasn't much shooting or fancy flying or explosions. I think most people expect that kind of thing when they think about intelligence work. In real life, you try to avoid explosions and getting shot. But it does still happen sometimes. Anyway, the actual twist of this story really came out of nowhere, because even I wasn't expecting it, and I do this stuff for a living.

The Royal Phoenix Corporation appeared out of nowhere with a force large enough to besiege another established faction in the system and take a healthy chunk out of CID's influence. Currently, they are engaged in combat on the surface of at least one planet in the system, with additional skirmishes in space. I have no idea what they're doing here, but it's added an unpredictable element to the stabilization of Marsonna. Alba Rotam, the local mercs, continue to lose influence through inaction, though Criminals in Disguise seem to have withdrawn for the moment. I don't want to jump the gun and say that RPC are going for system control, but they are a large and organized force and seem to have more momentum than Alba Rotam. My plans haven't changed yet. I want to see what they do next. For now, I'm just going to keep helping the Dogs stabilize the system.

I imagine that soon enough I'll find out what RPC is after in Marsonna.
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