Logbook entry

How to Fix a Broken Bubble

10 May 2022Iridium Nova
I have received a message from the Kyosei Gakkai.

The agent I spoke with before identified herself as The Fixer. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Metaphorical names are pretty much business as usual for groups like these. She was pleased with my progress and agreed to tell me more about her organization. They are essentially a secret society, or at least they were. I asked her if she was aware of my philosophy of information freedom. I told her I'd likely spoil their secret if they told me. Her response? "I'm counting on it." Now, I've heard that before... I'm starting to think there might be more to Sensei than I realized. Anyway, my introduction to the Kyosei Gakkai also serves as the organisation's entrance into public affairs. Though still a small group, their main concern is with identifying factions they believe can adjust the political climate of the bubble in ways that they think will benefit humanity as a whole. I asked how they could possibly be able to predict such things and she only mentioned that they have a few sociologists working for them, with help from a computer system they call GAIA. She assured me it's not an AGI. I told her I'm not the one she has to convince. Anyway, they basically pull strings to ensure that faction conflicts happen, don't happen, or turn out in different ways in order to manipulate the sociopolitical forces that shape the bubble, with the intent of making it a better place for all. Honestly, it's not the first time I've heard of such a group. Problem is, usually these kinds of groups conflict with each other because everyone foresees a different future and has different ideas about how to make things turn out for the best. Which is also what all these warring factions are doing. Kinda ironic.

I asked her if they have a faction of their own, or a squadron. She said they are above such things. Apparently, they feel that to do so would enmire them in the chaos of faction warfare in the bubble, preventing them from operating where they need to be. They are essentially taking a god's eye view of things and trying to manage the entire bubble like it's a gameboard. They wouldn't be the first to try it, and they won't be the last. But I guess we'll see if they manage it any better than their predecessors. For now, they operate as a secret society, though much less secret now that I've written this. They have members in many squadrons and factions, in every power and country. Their agenda does not usually directly conflict with the groups their members are a part of, but all of them put the needs of the Gakkai ahead of any other. While I've seen other groups try this, it seems the Kyosei Gakkai have had more success so far. Perhaps that has something to do with their weird philosophy which combines cooperation with secrecy. I can't say I fully understand it myself, but I'm willing to learn. They are an intriguing group, and their track record so far does them credit.

I will remain in the Purunsi system for the time being. My work here is not yet done, and I intend to take advantage of the mercenary work that this war will present to bolster my finances a bit. It's interesting how joining a secret society can be good for business.
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