Logbook entry

A Bigger Picture

15 May 2022Iridium Nova
The early days of the war went heavily in Benevolence's favor thanks to the element of surprise, but now that the war is fully engaged, KXPN has mobilized their allies. Traffic is flooding into the system as Federation forces, mercenaries, and Edmund Mahon supporters rush to defend the status quo. I have to wonder what the Kyosei Gakkai wanted to achieve here.

Monitoring their forums, it's easy to see that the war in Purunsi is very much a secondary concern. Most of the outfit is engaged in numerous other projects around the bubble. Opinions on the recent turn of events range from "interesting" to "as expected". I asked The Fixer if she could elaborate on the apparent apathy.

"You have done well. This step has been taken, but if progress is to occur, we must not dwell on each step. It is easy to focus on the details, the little things, but this is not what we do. The journey is long and complex. We must see the bigger picture: a map, if you will, of our path. We will be lost if we cannot see the forest for the trees."

I asked what they wanted to achieve in Purunsi, what all of the effort was for, if Benevolence will lose. It seemed pointless. In the back of my mind, I couldn't help but remember my last logbook. But this was different...

"There are truths our minds are simply unable to understand. What seems inconsequential to us may be the innocuous catalyst for a series of events which will forever shape the future of humanity. This is what we do. We are the butterfly that flaps it's wings so that humanity's future is bright.", She explained

Referring to the ancient concept of the butterfly effect. Maybe I should start expecting vagueries and philosophical metaphors now that I'm working with these people. "Let me guess, Gaia?". That's the AI she had mentioned previously.

She nodded. "You will see, in time. Gaia rewards those who are patient."

I'll admit, she has a tendency to get my creepy sense going, but so far none of this has turned out badly for me. Regardless of what happens to Benevolence, I've made quite a profit off this war, and I'll likely make quite a lot more if it keeps going. I've also made contact with CMDR Krimzen, the leader of the relatively recently formed Benevolence Squadron; a small but valiant force of rangers working to further the faction's agenda. They are principally engaged in defending their assets in Purunsi, but their remit extends to Benevolence operations all across the bubble. Interestingly, Krimzen has previous experience working for the Canonn and recognized me on the battlefield, despite my ghoulish getup. Networking is important in my line of work, so it's always nice to make the aquaintance of important individuals.
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