Logbook entry

Target: T Tauri

09 Nov 2022Iridium Nova
My vacation was going well, though I think CMDR Coehoorn was getting a little tired of hauling my ass around the bubble, but anyway I got a hankering for some trouble making and decided to see what was going on in the galaxy lately.

And immediately I saw an opportunity. So everyone's off in Wandrama fighting Azimuth, or protecting them if some of you are doing that for some reason, and that tells me that Azimuth is preoccupied. So maybe they won't notice a little mischief in their home system. Maybe I can dig up something interesting here.

The T Tauri system has been important at multiple times throughout recent history. Originally used as a base of operations during the Premonition Operation, after that debacle, it developed into a small frontier mining outpost which remained relatively peaceful until it made news once again thanks to Zemina Torval. Torval's investments helped the system grow but ultimately failed to gain control of the system leaving it open for Azimuth to claim.

T Tauri is an ideal home base for Azimuth. The system is mineral rich and has an existing well established mining industry, making it economically significant. It also has it's own nebula, attracting scientists to the system. It's located roughly 500 LY from the bubble, making it ideal for conducting illicit research away from the interference of the superpowers and Interpol. And, possibly most importantly, it is located in a region known to contain multiple Thargoid Leviathans.

We don't really know much about the Proteus Wave, other than it failed. Maybe the answers are here. Maybe they're in Wandrama. Who knows? There's gotta be some data on that thing and other Azimuth closets full of skeletons somewhere, and this place is as likely as any other.

I pulled some strings with Frontline Solutions to let me use one of their facilities in the system as a base of operations. Didn't have a lot of choices. The asteroid base was not an option, since Azimuth controls it and I get the feeling they're going to have a problem with me stealing stuff from them. Also, the only other non-Azimuth bases in the system were mysteriously offline.

Maybe while I'm here liberating data on Salvation's mad scientist experiments, I can investigate those facilities and see what might have happened there.
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