Logbook entry

Dead Ends in Ammonia Fens

17 Nov 2022Iridium Nova
Today's adventure though an alien hellscape was about as harrowing as I expected it to be. Unfortunately, it was also mostly a waste of time. The Thargoids, or their little pets, did a good job of cleaning up any traces the Azimuth team might have left behind. Whatever that artifact was, I couldn't find any others. There was some interesting material and data to be extracted from the biodata nodes, but so far none of it is proving to be readable. I guess this is what Ram Tah and Ishmael Palin are researching. Maybe one of them will have a use for it. I'll have to stop by at some point and see if it's of any interest to them.

This means that my investigation into the source and nature of the Proteus Wave is stalled. I've got no obvious leads to follow from here. But, I did learn some things. First, it seems at least one of the teams that contributed to the PW's development had acquired materials from this site. For those interested: Hind Sector GR-W d1-13 8 h. There's just one on the planet. Can't miss it.

The nature of the materials and their use remains unknown. Perhaps someone else will have better luck. I admit I am not a xenosociologist, and certainly no expert on the Thargoids. For as long as I've been around, I've had very little interaction with them - though my first encounter with them was... disastrous. Still, it's not like I can really blame them for the black hole.

But if they hadn't attacked me, I wouldn't have flown so damn close. Sometimes I get to thinking about what they must have gone through when that happened. They were pretty close behind me. I bet there's some scientists out there who would have loved to investigate the effects of a black hole on Thargoids. Ah, but that was lifetimes ago. I might as well be remembering the fall of Rome or the launch of the first hyperdrive ship. Not that I actually experienced those...

Anyway, there's nothing left here for me to see. Time to get moving. I'll head back to the bubble. There's some stuff I should probably check in on. Maybe while I'm at it, pay a visit to Kit Fowler and watch him freak out at authentic Thargoid data. That's always a fun time. Hopefully there still is a bubble, now that I think of it...
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