Cmdr Adrasteia Nemesis
Privateer / Anti-xeno activist
Registered ship name
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Registered ship ID
Vulture AD-31V
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Hanks Alliance of Anti-Xeno
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Commander's Log 08: Hurry Worry Work Work

Flipping through message boards, I’ve decided to build a few more ships to ferry Nariah and I for convenience. Even a bunch of cheap haulers are better than waiting two hours for my ship to arrive.

Speaking of two hours, some commander has achieved what we thought impossible - reaching Colonia in 1 hour, 29 minutes. Its not a priority and I dont look forward to meeting Etienne Dorn. I’ve heard stories of this... man/monster. Rumours of illegal & inhumane experiments on living people. Even his requirements for obtaining his services gives me the creeps - 25 units of Occupied Escape Pods.

One thing’s for certain, I’m not bringing Nariah with me to colonia. Not atleast until I’m done dealing with Etienne.

Ok, its time to head back to Merope.
We got a war to win and I think Nariah’s itching for combat.

- Adrastiea Nemesis, signing off.

Trivia: Title is a reference to Monty Python’s Silly Walk song.
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