Cmdr Adrasteia Nemesis
Privateer / Anti-xeno activist
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Vulture AD-31V
Overall assets
Hanks Alliance of Anti-Xeno
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Commander's Log 09: Sabotaged

I cant believe I made another stupid mistake in a short span of time.
Nariah's now in ICU because of me.

I got too friendly with the station mechanics and decided to trust them to do their job.
A rival faction slipped in and sabotaged my ship, rigging it to misfire upon take off.
Needless to say, station defense turrets destroyed my ship.

Shortly after pulling Nariah out of the wreckage, I was arrested, sent to a prison escort ship where I met with my lawyers.
Pulling a few strings and bribing my way out, I was cleared and released.
I've cleared both our names but Nariah's barely hanging on.

- Adrasteia Nemesis, signing off.

Author’s notes:
Due to a glitch w Geforce Experience overlay, my ship started firing in station. Hopefully Fdev restores my npc crew to me. For ingame narrative, Nariah will be in ICU until Fdev makes a decision.
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