Cmdr Adrasteia Nemesis
Privateer / Anti-xeno activist
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Vulture AD-31V
Overall assets
Hanks Alliance of Anti-Xeno
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Commander’s Log 10: Mistakes

It wasnt easy but I beat back the Empire’s navy in Merope. Took my anger out on them.
Now we have a bigger problem. Looks like my former faction, The Hive, wants a part of Merope too. They have a much bigger presence in the Pleiades than we do. Butting heads against them is something we cant afford. Oddly, the hive never removed me from their message boards. I wonder if I can avoid a conflict with them using the Intel available.

- Adrasteia Nemesis, signing off

Author's Note:
I spied on the hive thinking we could avoid further conflict with them over Merope. Sadly Hive was quite intent on taking Merope & interfering with our BGS.
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