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F5 Plot Twister

03 Dec 2020Sheronimo
Surrender? Really? Ok, so, we now have more mystery than we can handle. I hold up my hand, stopping any further comments until we can get everyone together on this. I step out on to the Bridge, and ask the XO to call a staff leaders meeting immediately. Five minutes later, John, Hero, Mr. Morgan and I enter the staff meeting room, and sit down. Five or six other staff leaders come in, as well as the Captain, "The XO will monitor remotely from the Bridge," she says. "What is this all about?" I nod towards Mr. Morgan. He starts with an introduction, "My name is Jeff Morgan, I work for the Federation as an independent investigator. I am here now, because I followed a lead to information on illegal slave trades."  "Johns owners, Imperial citizens, were helping me gathering the information for a future sting on illegal slave trading." "When someone discovered them copying data for transport to the Federation, they were forced to run." Odd, In the Empire, slavery is legal, though, it is not as bad as one might think. More like Indentured Servitude. Paid, fed, clothed, housed, most never want to be free, or care, as they are taken care of their entire life, but, there can be some problems. "I was looking for illegal slave traders who take prisoners from free systems, work them up to be slaves, and sell them illegally." "Many people have purchased slaves legally, only to find out they have a political prisoner in their house." "I have been undercover for years now, working inside the Imperial Navy, trying to find out where these slavers might be based, but, when my informants disappeared, I went in search of them. As you know, you found their Cutter, unarmed, unshielded, and unfortunately, attacked by Thargoid scouts trying to hide in the ring." At this point, nearly everyone in the meeting turns and looks at John, he stares back with a teenagers sarcastic face and says, "WHAT?" I reach out, and place my hand on his shoulder, "John, it's ok, tell us the rest." John sighs, "When we are attacked, they were killed almost immediately. I was in the cargo bay, cleaning. When I realized what had happened, and the ships computer started to fail, I pulled everything I could, and modified the pods to try to save Hero and I." "I knew that what they were doing was stored on the database, and if someone found me, it would help to save me from whoever was hunting them." At this point, his grief got the best of him, and he began to sob, Hero cuddling up to him for support. So, after hearing all this, I look up at Jeff Morgan, and say, " So, what do you want with us?" He offers one word, "Help."

On that last word, I concluded the meeting, sent everyone back to what they were doing, and went to my quarters to rest and think. A lot of research is needed, messages to be sent confirming information, carefully, as not to set any hunters off. How do I get into these things, all I did was grab 2 pods like I would have at any other wreckage, but, leave it to me to find the messes of all messes. Its not anyone's fault who is here now, just sucks to be us I guess, and John especially, one day, a servant in a royal household, the next day, locked in a pod, floating in a dead ship, and now here. Help he says, yeah, well, I am not cheap, not even close. If I am going to get in the middle of this mess, then I gonna get PAID! Feds on one side, Imperials on the other, and some bandit in the middle with a target in mind. Not exactly a comfortable spot to be, but, could be worse, I guess. I doubt any of my pirate friends would be happy about this either, but, one must make a living, and, honestly, I personally would like to see John get some closure. He obviously cared deeply for his benefactors, regardless of his, uh, position. It is decided....... I open the intercom, "Mr. Morgan, I will help, but there is conditions. First, get rid of your trigger happy friends outside, second, I want anything we find along the way, salvage, minerals, supplies, even Imperial slaves if they are legally uh, acquired. Third, and this is a big one, I like that Clipper you have in my shipyard. Would look good with me driving it." A few seconds of silence, followed by, "I accept, but I have one small condition, that the ship is yours, if I can have that data when we are done." "Agreed." Now we are talking! "Where do we start?" The voice comes back from the intercom, with our first destination, I SOLA PROSPECT.

Ok, so, how do I put it to the crew, without telling the world what we are up to. I switch to ships PA system, "May I have everyone's attention please. All ops in this system are to cease immediately. Recall all personnel and ships. We will be leaving as soon as it is confirmed all are on board. We have earned a new crew member, he comes to us with a broken heart, and a injustice done. While we work this new job for the Federation and Empire, I expect everyone on board to make our new family member feel welcome, and at home. We also have a guest, Mr. Morgan. Treat him as if he is an officer. He will be assisting with this job. It's going to get busy, please expect overtime. All comm channels are off limits until further notice. XO, the order is, set course for I Sola Prospect, best possible speed. That is all."

Time to call another meeting, plans to be made....
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