Logbook entry

I Love the Smell of Burnt Pirate and Credits - #1

27 Dec 2015RT Fringe
Took a real mining job this time, one with a decent bit of cash, and one that will allow me to finally pay off the last of the much needed mods on my junker of a cobra.

Dropped into a RES in the Wolf 1458 system, and immediately had scanner alerts lighting up my hud like that damn birthday alert function that Delacy programmed into the older Cobra models.

My hold was full of limpets though, so I guess I was probably the least valuable target in the vicinity and the three bandits peeled off and turned their attention to the other CMDR in the area, never got his or her name, but they'd scored the motherload of Painite as the pirates had turned towards them.

Poor bastard was in a Sidewinder, didn't stand a chance.

I, being the often charming good samaritan that I am, pipped out a short warning to them as they gathered up their last fragment. I told them to run.

They had only just staked their claim, but in my book, no hunk of rock is worth your hide, best to cut your losses and get out of there with what you got.

They got the warning alright, and bounced a message back to me.

This rock's yours if you take these guys with me.

I was taken aback a bit, I'll admit it. This guy was crazy, brave, or both.

My scans indicated that all three of these guys were wanted and that the supposed leader had dropped his shields to power up and level a fairly hefty beam laser at my friend. The other two had shields, but were at low power, they obviously weren't great pilots, letting themselves bounce off some of the smaller rocks out of what appeared to be either lazy flying, or just being straight up drunk.

We could take 'em.

I'll hold you to that. I fired back at the Sidewinder. We'll take them on three

That would have been the plan, had this guy not immediately went full thruster and gunned it for the leader. Burst lasers lighting up the space between them.

He'd taken the pirates completely by surprise, and the missile that he'd thrown at the leader following the barrage of lasers had left Captain pirate man at half hull.

And more than a little pissed off.

To be continued
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