Logbook entry

I Love the Smell of Burnt Pirate and Credits - #2

28 Dec 2015RT Fringe
My new friend had taken both the pirates, and myself by complete surprise, but had left themselves a little exposed on their first pass.

I figured that was my queue, and gunned it, beam lasers licking outwards to the two drunken escorts of the pirate leader, their shields flaring, they clumsily banked left and right to avoid the new nutjob commander who had entered the fray, without so much as a, by-your-leave.

I like that phrase... by-your-leave...

No idea what it means, but it certainly makes me sound a lot more sophisticated than I actually am.

Anyways, whilst the two drunks had shown at least enough sense to get out of my way, Captain pirate man, showed no indication of backing down.


I unleashed a full clip of heavy multicannon rounds right at his cockpit, tearing his exposed and already severely damaged hull to pieces, splitting him down the middle, turning him to dust.

A good kill, made even sweeter by the 200K credit bounty that registered in my hud.

That left the other two to mop up, I say two, my friend, clearly hungry for a kill of their own, had wore down drunk number one's shields to from half to non-existent, and had out-manoeuvred him so well that the moron managed to pitch himself right into one of the smaller rocks at the edge of the ring.

Needless to say, a few controlled bursts from my beams took him out of the game; permanently.

My friend and I made short work of number three, and with that, they turned off towards the edge of the ring.

My thanks CMDR, like I said, that claim's yours now, limpets had it at 90% integrity and pure Painite last I checked

Sure enough, after they jumped, I ran a quick scan. They were true to their word, pure Painite, sweet ridiculously  rare, blood red Painite.

I stripped the asteroid, and jumped out before I made myself a target.

Turned over a cool half mil when I turned in the bounties, and another 250K for the mining contract.

My most profitable run to date, I probably could have made more, but like I said, I was easy pickings in that field on my own, with a hold full of Painite.

Still never got the name of that other CMDR, but I'll be raising a glass to them, next time I call into the bar.
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︎2 Shiny!
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