Post Gnosis activities:
13 Sep 2018Blackleaf
The less said about Gnosis, the better.Suffice to say that I made it out alive, surprising given I was in my paper thin AspX optimized for long jumps and long term exploration.
I decided to R2R hike it back into the bubble, to at least make a couple million credits while still getting back in a reasonable amount of time.
Along the way I broke up the monotony of "honk/ fly/ scan - repeat 100+ more times" by picking us any illegal salvage I could from USS's I came across. A couple of Large data caches insured that the same 3 pin-head NPC bounty hunters would keep me on my toes attempting to interdict me every 3-4 system jumps. Whatever, guys...
A week+ and several dozen million cred worth of exploration data credits later, I'm back in the Catun system with my small fleet of: the exploration AspX, the combat Viper, the passenger Python, and the barely-out-of-the-shrink-wrap Imperial Cutter.
I've only got 700m credits, so I'm not going to get very far with outfitting the "SS Mistress Frost", and I'm REALLY tired of being in The Black. I might just buy a quick Type 9 or something so I can just do some quick trading to get over a billion cred, intersperse that with some zippy-fighty pew-pew with the Asp for some fun, and get on with the grinding grind-grind task of building the Imperial Cutter of my dreams. Maybe after I get to a station with a black market I can unload this illicit cargo, which should just give me the Black Market req. for that one Engineer (forget his name off-hand...) which will give some more grindy-type tasks to do...
See You In Space...