Logbook entry

Dark Pit Task Force

03 Oct 2018NewkTV
Task Force: The Dark Pit Task Force
Identifier: DTF
Head of Unit: CMDR SmokeyRich (Richard Carnwell)
Fleet: 2nd Fleet
Fleet Admiral: CMDR Dalvon (Robert Mills)
Mission: Special Forces, Unique Tasking, PVP, Intel-Gathering, and Political Espionage.

Background: The Dark Pit Task Force was established on 10 FEB 3304. However, on ██ ███ 3304, a hand-selected group of CMDRs were out on a mission to prove the existence of ███. These CMDRs were fearless, Elite and hungry for discovery. When The Dark Pit (Fleet Admirals High Council) chose these CMDRs for this mission, they knew ███ ██ ███ would return home. In order to convince these already prepared CMDRs, they volunteered their most experienced Admiral to join them on their mission, CMDR Dalvon. CDMR Dalvon was a lost descendant of The Dark Wheel, a legendary unit of pilots who would seek out the Universe's most mysterious myths. Due to this, he was perfect for the mission at hand. There was substantial intel gathered through a lost star-map during the ██ of ███ a few weeks earlier. This showed the system of ████ contained trace data of a stellar body, ████ B 2. It was concluded by the Scientific Discovery Squadron that the trace data corresponded to the same set of confirmed data found on ███. On ██ ███ 3304, they set out on their mission. CMDR Dalvon, CMDR ███, CMDR ██, CMDR ███ █, CMDR SmokeyRich, and CMDR █████ departed Titus Station and headed towards the ████ system. Weeks later, the six CMDRs jumped into the ████ system. Unsure if they were on the right path, CMDR ███ █ activated his discovery scanner and for a split second he noticed a short message populate in his information window. It wasn't until he data-linked his scanner to CMDR ███ for system status replay, that they noticed he had received the data, "███ ^56 █ - ███" from an unidentified source. After multiple triangulation attempts, they managed to roughly place the source .13 light years away. All six CMDRs set course and engaged Auto-Pilot to make the long Super-Cruise flight more fine tuned. A mere 2° off course could send these pilots hurdling through deep space without communication.

Due to the lack of proper mission reconstruction, the following audio was recovered from CMDR Dalvon's system recorder. This remains the only discernible element of recovery. Because of this constraint, we will never fully know what happened out there.

----------- >>>>>>>>>> ////// Replay X:/██.xui

X:/ "███ Unit 1, this is CMDR Dalvon, I am approaching ████ B 2. I am 44 light seconds out, how is the approach looking for your systems. Over."

"CMDR Dalvon this is CMDR ██, systems are green. Approaching, 32 light seconds out. Over."

X:/ "CMDR ██, copy please update upon..."

"CMDR Dalvon, this is CMDR ███ █, do you see this! It is getting so bright! System status gre...."

X:/ "Come in CMDR ███ █, your comms are breaking. Over"

"...aking no heat dam... Sir, request my posit, syste... unclear, main navigation unit faili..."

X:/ "CMDR ███ █, no joy on your comms, please state your last. Over"

"Mayday! Mayday! This is CMDR ███, navigation unit failing, ship breach detected... Oh my God... I can't find my helmet! It is so brigh.... Shit! Lost left stabilizer! I can't... ***AUDIBLE HULL CRUNCHING***... this is it!"

*** Ship 4a Lost on Radar ***

X:/ "CMDR ███, I just lost you on rad..."

"...can yo... read *** SCREAMING ***"

*** Ship 4b Lost on Radar ***

X:/ "Come in CMDR ██ █, come in CMDR ███, no joy on radar, please check your transponder! Over."

"CMDR Dalvon, this is CMDR SmokeyRich. Holding 4 Bravo weak on radar. Request course change set to direct. I just lost system recording, but other than that, all systems are nominal. Over."

X:/ "Negative CMDR, initiate drive power down until clear comms are established. Over."

"Copy Sir. Powering down. Over and Out."

X:/ "CMDR ███, can you read..."

"CMDR Dalvon, this is CMDR █████, navigation unit failing! Sir, I was 10 light seconds out before systems red. Request current position! Over."

X:/ CMDR █████, I have you... wait... CMDR, please check your directional compass! I am showing you 78 light seconds out, 7° off course! Power down and..."

"What is that! ***PAINFUL MOANING*** Oh my God, I'm blind! Sir, I can't see my directional compass! Hold on! Let me ***LOUD EXPLOSION*** Shi... I just lo... ***CRITICAL SYSTEM ALARM*** ... not ready to die!"

*** Ship 2a Lost on Radar ***

X:/ "Shit! Does anybody have 2 alpha on radar!"

"Nega... CMDR. For your requested update, I am approachin... reboot nagivatio... showing 2 light secon... stem green. Max solar filter as brigh... still holding cours... hields offline... My God, do you se... its...beautifu..."

X:/ "CMDR ██, Confirm you are on final approach to ████ B 2. Please state status of ship hull! Do not attempt Thermosphere entry without..."

"They are not... they know what we... trespassin.. ***UNIDENTIFIED NON-HUMAN GROWL*** ...it is!... Raxxl...All of the...No!"

*** Ship 2b Lost on Radar ***

X:/ "CMDR ███, I lost you on ra... ***COVAS: NAVIGATION UNIT FAILING, INITIATE OVER-RIDE PROTICOL*** ...Shit! CMDR SmokeyRich, I'm rebooting! If you don't recieve my final approach report, return to The Dark Pit and inform them we've found ███!"

"CMDR Dalvon, copy. Can you see it?"

X:/ "uhh... I think I can just start to make it ***HEAVY BREATHING*** ...COVAS set solar filter to 95%! ***COVAS: SHIP BREACH DETECTED*** ... Son of a bitch! I'm turning around. CMDR SmokeyRich, do you have any Repair Limpets? I'm losing oxygen fast! Donning Helmet, rally at ███ tango!"

"Negative, What about the others!"

X:/ "Negative radar contact, they are gone!"

"We can't just..."

X:/ "By God, they are with ███ now!


X:/ "CMDR SmokeyRich, this is CMDR Dalvon. I am approaching your 3 O'clock, initiate docking proticol."

"CMDR Dalvon, docking protocol? What about the GSS TrashPanda?"

X:/ "She's been good to me, unfortunately she's not making it out of this one."

"Copy, initiating docking protocol."


---------- >>>>>>>>>>


X:/ "I'm coming aboard, I just need to download my system recorder data."

"See you soon Sir."

----------- >>>>>>>>>> ////// End X:/██.xui

Upon homecoming on 10 FEB 3304, CMDR Dalvon and CMDR SmokeyRich were awarded The Galactic Stripe for their bravery. The families of the other four CMDRs were awarded The Forgotten Distinction Medal and a proper funeral was arranged. Mrs. ███ was given a recovered piece of CMDR ███'s ship, the USS Sunraid. CMDR NewkTV, Admiral of the 3rd fleet then announced the need for an Elite Special Forces Unit and signed an official order for CMDR Dalvon and CMDR SmokeyRich to establish The Dark Pit Task Force.

Rumor has it, Mrs. ███ gave CMDR Dalvon the remaining piece of the USS Sunraid. To this day, a select few have exclaimed that they have seen the piece on display in the GSS TrashPanda II's crew mess labeled with The Dark Pit Task Force's moto...

"I live for our cause. I fight for our family. I die for the forgotten."

As for the data recovered in the search for ███. No official confirmation has been released by The Dark Pit.
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