Logbook entry

Biography of Ziva Tevar

27 Dec 2015User13477

Name: Ziva Tevar
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 12-05-3276
Place of Birth: Earth, Sol
Occupation: Enforcer / Mercenary

1. Early years
Ziva was born in what was, before the Third World War, known as Western-Europe to a family of 6, Along with her parents. She had 3 older brothers.
Born into the Federation Ziva grew up as most middle-classed citizens on Earth did. Not a lot of luxury and at the end of the month her parents often struggled to meet ends. Ultimately though, she was happy enough with her life.
As a child Ziva was rather held back and only had a select amount of friends in elementary. Never did she purposefully break the rules and she always strived to achieve the best result possible. After all, her parents wouldn't have been able to afford the costs of her failing a year.
Her father was a freelance transport pilot. He owned a Type-6 Transport in which Ziva spent a lot of her time during school breaks, he'd often let her ride along as he delivered cargo to nearby stations but never when the trip required him to leave Sol.
As a result of this she developed an interest in space and even more so in spaceships. Finishing elementary at the age of 12, she begged her parents to allow her to attend an institute for technical occupations at which she could tinker with small craft and learn the ways of a mechanic and after begging the entire summer break, they reluctantly signed her up.

2. Teenage years
Her high school being predominantly male meant she had very little contact with women of her own age. This environment seemed to suit her as she spent her entire life so far in the company of her 3 brothers who'd often tease her. It wasn't long until she came out of her shell and started committing all kinds of mischief with her male classmates. Now being a bit older, she started tinkering on her fathers' Type-6, much to his annoyance. She'd find ways to make the power flow more efficient, reduce fuel consumption, fix whatever was broken and make outdated parts last a lot longer than their manufacturers advertised.
Annoyed that she kept touching his ship but at the same time impressed, it wasn't long until he allowed Ziva to take control of the ship during flights. Not long after she completed her first take-off and landing.
Reaching the age of 17 she started to be less happy with her surroundings. Having flown with her father on countless runs, she became well aware of the corruption within the Federation, she had often seen people getting swindled and police turning a blind eye to the victim as they too received some of the profits. This combined with the general poverty of anyone that wasn't associated with the big corporations made her dislike the Federation.
Because of this she was rather furious at her brothers for joining up with the Federal Navy, the three of them had made a pact to join for a few years.
Despite this, she continued her education and kept practicing her aim and piloting abilities in her off days.

3. The Alliance
Ziva finished her education at the age of 18, she was now a fully fledged certified mechanic. Proficient in everything involving a spaceship.
She quickly found a job as an apprentice mechanic at the spaceport her father was stationed at. She didn't keep that job for long however,
her father had gotten into financial difficulties after being double-crossed by a few competitors. Because of the lack of income he risked losing his ship.
It was during routine maintenance on her fathers' ship that they came to claim it.
Legally his competitors had no right to claim it but then the law could be bought. Not about to let his career end and his family go without earnings he refused to hand it over. It is for this reason that they shot him, just like that, not a word, not a warning, they just pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger.
Ziva was in the cockpit at the time, fixing the left-interface panel, it had been malfunctioning. Shocked and unsure what to do, she jumped into the pilot seat, fired her up and boosted out of the hangar, headed for space.
She didn't have a plan, panic took over. It hadn't fully grasped her yet that she had just lost her father. She contemplated going to the authorities but it was exactly those authorities that let this happen in the first place. Her brothers were in the Federal Navy, her father dead and her mother alone at home.
Ziva decided that she didn't want to stay, she wouldn't have been able to face her mother with the news anyway.
Instead, she had heard of another power out there, The Alliance of Independent Systems.
She flew all the way to Lave, she didn't even stop for fuel, not until she was out of the Federation.
She was now in the Alliance in a ship that didn't belong to her with little more than the money she saved up from the few months she worked at the spaceport.
Unsure on what to do, she realized her ship was still loaded with cargo. Thus she sold the shipment of tobacco and bought herself a proper flight suit.
Having spent the night at Lave, she decided to stick to space, she'd become a trader like her father.

4. The Empire
Now age 19, she had spent the past year trading around Lave making a few friends here and there but like the Federation, she started seeing signs of corruption and the like and she just didn't feel at home.
She became friends with an Imperial Trader called Mira David, Mira owned an Imperial Clipper, a Clipper Ziva was most impressed by.
Ziva fell in love with the design and engineering of Imperial ships and after having known Mira for a few months, she begged to be her co-pilot.
Mira was all too happy to accept Ziva aboard her ship, after all, some company in the vast emptiness of space couldn't hurt.
Thus Ziva sold her fathers' ship out of which she got a few million credits and joined Mira aboard the 'Thessia'.
She became best friends with Mira and just like with her father, she spent a lot of time making small upgrades and adjustments to the systems of the ship.
Mira was based out of Kamadhenu, home of the Emperor, which allowed Ziva to come into contact with the Empire. Ziva was quite excited for this as she had been listening to tales about the beauty of the Empire as told by Mira on the long haul flights.
Setting foot on Kamadhenu she wasn't the least bit disappointed, the glamorous, glorious, and aesthetically beautiful, with extravagance in abundance cities of Kamadhenu had left her breathless. Having spent half a year in space with Mira, she wasn't keen on leaving again and so she managed to convince Mira to settle down with her on Kamadhenu.
Reluctantly at first, Mira soon became fond of the idea of having a place to call home. They bought a small, yet like everything else, beautiful little home and started to integrate into society.

Mira David

5. Craving for adventure
It had been three years since they settled down on Kamadhenu. During this time Ziva had made a career in Imperial Engineering and Mira became a test pilot for new ship designs. Their friendship had blossomed into a romance and they were happy with their lives.
Until they both started to feel the craving for something a little more exciting.
Having lived in the Empire for 3 years, they had been granted the rights of fully fledged integrated Citizens of the Empire. Thus they decided to join the Imperial Navy.
After some debating, they chose to sell their home for a couple hundred million credits and they bought themselves an Anaconda.
They christened the ship 'Athame' and converted it into their home away from home. The ship was big enough to accommodate the needs of both women as well as be strong enough in combat to hold it's own.
To switch things up with the time they were in the 'Thessia', Ziva took on the role of Pilot whilst Mira became the Co-Pilot.
In the Imperial Navy, their main jobs consist of system patrols and the transportation of small cargo's of high value for the Empire.
So break up the monotony of patrolling, they took on the side job of Bounty Hunting.
This helped them hone their skills, Ziva became more proficient in piloting the ship whilst Mira became quite good at managing power-consumption, navigation and targeting.
Since joining the Imperial Navy a few months ago, both women have climbed up to the rank of 'Master' and have been assigned to the 9th Legion.
They both have the same ultimate goal, acquiring an Imperial Cutter so they can live in space in style.
With the Cutter, they want to get away from human space and explore the core in the name of the Empire together.


Ziva is a light-hearted person, she often jokes around and tries to stay positive regardless of how bad it gets.
She's quite open and enjoys chatting with complete strangers.
She's not quick to anger but at the same time she's not quick to forgive.
Ziva has come to love life thanks to meeting Mira and is very defensive of her.
Caring for the Empire, she'll rush to the aid of anyone in trouble and will not hesitate to put her own life at risk to safe that of someone she's never met before. She'll often put her own ship in the line of fire to give the victim a chance to escape.
She's also incredibly stubborn, she's not one to run away from a fight despite the opposition.
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