Logbook entry

Biography of Mira David

23 Jan 2016User13477

Name: Mira David
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 24-04-3276
Place of Birth: Cubeo 3, Cubeo
Occupation: Enforcer / Trader


1. Youth
Mira was born on the 24th of April, 3276 on Cubeo 3. Her devoted parents were both prominent politicians for the Prismatic Imperium, and spared no expense in providing her with the best possible education. As an only child, she was the focus of her parents life, and as such was shielded from the realities of the universe. Her parents were reluctant to leave her alone and unprotected, and when they were out (which was nearly always) there was always a babysitter and latterly a governess to keep an eye on her.
Entering high school she focused on mathematics, where she had an usual aptitude for quantum physics and flight navigation. Being socially awkward due to her previous lack of contact with other people her age she was unsure as to how to approach people: resulting in few friends, but close ones. Over the years she became increasingly proud of her Imperial heritage, reinforced by the mandatory history classes she had been receiving, as well as reading reports describing Federation attacks on Imperial space.

Many of her classmates, and particularly her few friends, shared her pride in the Empire and so at the age of 18, (after finishing high school and achieving their diplomas), her and a large part of her now former classmates signed up with the Imperial Navy.

This displeased her parents greatly as this was exactly what they wanted to prevent by shielding her from life (and the Federation in particular, but despite their disapproval they gave their daughter their blessing.

2. Imperial Navy
Soon after she entered the Imperial Naval Academy of Cubeo (INAC) where she started training as an Imperial Navy officer. Here she was taught how to properly use firearms as well as how to give basic first-aid. She received training in all bridge positions in the event that one needed filling in an emergency. The year went by rapidly, every day of it filled with rigorous training with only Sundays for rest. The year was filled with highs and lows but at the end of it all Mira was a fully fledged Imperial Naval Officer.

She returned home after graduation (and prior to her first assignment) to spend some time with her parents. Though tremendously proud of their daughter's achievement, like always, their work as politicians consumed them and she spent most of her month break alone at her family home.

At the end of the month she received a letter telling her that she had her first posting. She was to report to the nearby spaceport for the position of Navigational Officer on board the INV Deliverer, a Cutter-class imperial vessel. The ship was set up as patrol vessel that doubled as a cargo transport. As such her future missions would often consist of patrolling systems and delivering supplies to the needy. She served aboard this ship until the age of 21 under Knight-Commander Solas (whom she had known since high school, and considered a friend).

3. The Incident
In early 3299 the Federation had started to conduct raids into Imperial space. The INV Deliverer, along with many other vessels were called upon to support the affected systems. The Federation seemed to not care what targets they hit: military and civilian were equal prey. For weeks the attacks gradually increased in frequency causing Mira and her crew to engage in active combat more often.

It was during the prelude to a suspected raid that everything changed. The INV Deliverer was planet side, loading up refugees in its vast cargo hold for relocation to a nearby system. Due to the urgency of the evacuation the refugees weren't put in individual pods so more could be loaded, and faster. The INV Deliverer, as well as some other refugee transports, were leaving orbit accompanied by a fighter escort when the Federation jumped in.

The Federation forces consisted of multiple Assault Ships as well as two Corvettes.Still stuck in the gravitational pull, the Imperial forces had no choice but to make a stand until they were able to break free of the planet. The more combat capable INV Deliverer together with the fighter escort undertook a delaying action, giving the smaller refugee ships time to Hyper-Jump out.

After the civilian ships left, it was the turn of the INV Deliverer. The ship, however, had taken a beating and the shields had given way, and the Frame Shift Drive (FSD) started to malfunction.The crew was certain a reboot would repair the FSD malfunction, but before this could be attempted they were contacted by Imperial Command. Blunt orders were given: the fighter squadron was to withdraw immediately, and the INV Deliverer was to be surrendered. Knight-Commander Solas (the current CO) ordered all non-essential personnel to evacuate, included Mira (as navigation wouldn't be necessary anymore). All essential personnel remained on board and sacrificed their escape pods to the few refugees that they could fit.

Knowing they wouldn't get away, KC Solas attempted a crash landing on the planet but as Mira was launched in her escape pod, a Corvette lined up and fired a dual plasma shot, finishing the crippled ship off. The blast was so fierce, it blew her escape pod planet side.

4. A New Start
Weeks later she woke up in an Imperial military hospital on Cubeo 3 being tended by a nurse. The nurse explained that she along with only 2 refugees were the only ones to survive the attack. A search party was sent out two days after the attack but it had taken a week to find Mira's pod. The pod had found its way into a canyon and was only discovered due to a pilot picking up a faint emergency signal near the edge.

She further explained that Mira was near death when she was found and was only alive today due to the efforts of a young ship medic aboard the vessel that brought her back. Once in the hospital she remained in a coma for two weeks.

Following her discharge from the hospital she requested, and was granted, a discharge from the Imperial Navy. She felt betrayed by the Commanders that had abandoned them, and at the same time was racked with guilt that she was the only survivor of the crew she had spent the past 2 years of her life with.

She returned home to her parents who accepted her back without a second thought. She spent a few weeks at home thinking about what to do next until her father came to her with an offer. Knowing how much she had fallen in love with space, he hated seeing her grounded. He offered her an Imperial Clipper configured for trade as well as the budget to get started. Immensely thankful, she hugged her parents goodbye and set off. She traded for two months before she arrived at Lave Station in Alliance space.

It is here she met Ziva Tevar.


Mira masquerades her true feelings with a carefree attitude: a joker that seemingly is only out for herself.
In reality she cares deeply for those she loves and is fiercely loyal to them.
She'd do anything for Ziva who is the only person with whom she shares her true feelings.
Due to past events she is wary of Imperial Navy Command Ranks, although the hatred she first felt has given way to deep mistrust.
She has a strong resentment for the Federation.
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