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Biography of Nerina Vakarian

15 Feb 2016User13477

Name: Nerina 'Nina' Vakarian
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 28-10-3279
Place of Birth: Argent's Claim, Alioth
Role: Ship's Medic / Administrator
Occupation: Doctor / Scientist

1. Youth
Believed to have been born on Argent's Claim in the Alioth system, Nerina was an orphan. At the age of 3 she was dropped off at a local orphanage by an unknown couple. It is in this orphanage where she would spend most of her youth. Here she received a basic education and made few friends with the other orphans. She dabbled in crime occasionally (mainly shoplifting) trying to secure herself a better life.

At the age of 12, her orphanage was visited by an older man who looked different from the couples with wishes of becoming parents that mainly came along. This was a man of stature, clad in a smart looking suit and well cared for set of shoes, who clearly belonged to the upper classes.

He asked for the children to be lined up for inspection, and once this was done, he started walking up and down the line. He carefully inspected every child with a deep glare, his heels sharply cracking with every step.
There was something martial about his bearing, and his demeanour.

This continued for a good 5 minutes until the man arrived at Nerina. Every other every child had tried to avoid eye contact up until this point, but Nerina locked her eyes fiercely with his. Immediately the man asked for her name and after a quick introduction decided to adopt her.

Whilst unsure about this change in her life at first, Nerina soon grew to like the idea of having a father. Their relationship became more one of strong friends rather than father and daughter. Her new father worked as a surgeon and dabbled in chemistry in his spare time, often sharing stories and allowing Nerina to observe.

Naturally this sparked her interest and resulting in her wanting to following in her father's footsteps. After completing a proper education which she was put on by her father, he allowed her to sign up for med-school. At the same time she took extra classes in chemistry. She often asked him about whether he had seen military service as she felt he had but he never answered her questions.

The pressure she put on herself in terms of her education, and her determination to make her father proud of her, resulted in increasingly late nights and sleeplessness. Stress started to creep up on her, and in time she found relief at the bottom of a bottle. Not excessive at first, but a slow dependency.

2. A Travelling Doctor
After years of hard work she successfully finished her studies at the age of 19. With his daughter now a certified doctor, her father decided to set out into Alliance space together with her. Her father had spent some extra evenings taking flight classes and whilst certainly not a natural, he could manage well enough. He bought a top quality Cobra MkIII and off they went. Ultimately their goal was to see the stars but their exploration was limited to nearby nebula by both the ship, and her fathers flights skills.

Returning to Alliance space after a year of exploring they found themselves wanting to resume their medical careers, but with their hunger for exploration not yet satisfied. At this time, Nina's father was invited to a prestigious medical conference in Leesti, and they decided to travel there together, providing medical care to anyone in need at the stations they replenished their fuel and food supplies at.

Eventually they arrived in Leesti. Whilst docking in the station, Nina heard from some security forces about 'Leestian Evil Juice', a liquor so strong it seemed to "posses people with a pure evil". Intrigued by this, she decided to remain in Leesti for a while and sample the local delights.

After the conference, Nina's father decided to stay on and undertake a research project on the Evil Juice. They spent months in Leesti, assisting in the local medical bay and at the same time attempting to figure out what it was about this liquor that made people behave the way they did, hoping they could counteract it.

They made a breakthrough when they met an imperial scientist with whom they collaborated together on some experiments. This scientist made huge advances very quickly, and the three of them worked strongly as a team. Impressed by his abilities they inquired where he had learned these things, and the man explained that he was taught at a university in Kamadhenu.

With their interest peaked by imperial education they set out for Kamadhenu. Once arrived Nerina and her father went their separate ways; she wanted to help people in a more direct way and still wanted to travel whilst her father wanted to settle down and focus on research. He promised her that he would always watch over her, and told her how proud he was of her. She set off, crushed at not being with him, but determined to make her own way and make him proud of her.

Her father integrated into society and started learning more about the way the Empire does things on the science level, whilst Nerina joined the Imperial Navy promising to maintain contact with her father. She reasoned that as a ship board medic she could still see the star and at the same time help people.

She spent a year in a naval training program being taught basic self defense as well as how to use a sidearm should they ever be boarded. A large part of her training was dedicated to teaching her how to use Imperial medical equipment and procedures. Whilst this was not too different from what she had learned in the Alliance, the refresher did her good, and she enjoyed it. She built up a circle of friends, and quickly got into a routine of retiring to the bar after training with her friends. The drinking slowly started to become a defining factor of her time at the Academy. On completion of her training, she was posted to a Majestic Class Interdictor Capital Ship: INV Arissa.

3. The Legion
She served on this ship until the age of 23. Her final mission was a search and rescue operation in a system bordering Federation space. The Federation had been conducting raids into Imperial space and were targeting evacuation ships.

After a week of searching through what seemed like an endless stream of broken escape pods they had found three survivors: two refugees and an Imperial Naval Officer. She spent nearly 24 hours straight working on the Imperial Naval Officer (now identified as Mira David) before arriving at a proper hospital. Worn down with fatigue, suffering from post traumatic stress and horrified by the events she had seen, she hit the bottle hard. This lead to a fight, and Nina's arrest. Whilst awaiting court martial, she was removed from the ship.

During this time, her father pulled some strings. He did indeed have a military past, but a shadowy and secretive one that he never talked about. Whilst awaiting trial, Nerina was approached by a senior Imperial Navy Officer. He introduced himself as Nathan De Verne, the Commander of a unit called the 9th Legion. He told her he owed his life to her father, and that her suspension had been cleared. She had been posted to the 9th with immediate effect.

She gladly accepted this second chance, not really sure how it had come about. For the next 3 years she worked for the 9th Legion. Information about this part of her life is sketchy, but but it is presumed that she worked as a spy and researcher, stationed in Leopold Heckmann Ring in Malaikudi, home base of the 9th.

She was reassigned to 'Memory of Kadan' at her request, when she had heard that her former patient, Mira David, was stationed on this vessel. Since that time, she has been travelling with Ziva and Mira serving as serving as ship medic as well as administrator.

She gets along well with Ziva and Mira and they have taken to calling her 'Nina'.


Nerina is a no-nonsense type of person, she can take a joke but you'll rarely see her laugh.
Despite getting along well with Ziva and Mira, she finds them a bit childish.
She's very dedicated to getting whatever she sets her mind to done.
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