Cmdr Veyder
Mercenary / Enforcer
Registered ship name
ISS Aegis
Credit balance
Elite IV
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette RPR-00
Overall assets
Ghost Legion
Pranav Antal

Logbook entry


21 Aug 2015Veyder
This has been a pretty uneventful yet successful month. As noted in the previous log I have acquired an Anaconda, I have rapidly recouped most of the cost spent on the ship and the ship has proven itself as an invailuable asset to my personal fleet.  I have begun doing missions for the federation at the moment... not that I am patriotic... I am only doing it so I will have the proper credentials to purchase the Federal Corvette.

Depending on the Federal Corvette's capability, I intend to utilize if as a heavily armed battle cruiser.  In the meantime I have put in an requisition request to purchase a customized Fer-de-Lance ship, I transferred a down payment of 30% so construction can be started.

Our squadron has almost doubled in size since my last entry. ***Note to Self*** Contact Zeph about coordinating training academies for the less experienced pilots... regardless of their chosen professions, all Squadron members must have a grasp of the basic fundamentals of combat.  Afterall we are in the business of Killin... and business is about to pick up.
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