Cmdr Veyder
Mercenary / Enforcer
Registered ship name
ISS Aegis
Credit balance
Elite IV
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette RPR-00
Overall assets
Ghost Legion
Pranav Antal

Logbook entry

Bio Chancellor Zahra Arias

11 Mar 2016Veyder

Chancellor Zahra Arias has spent her lifetime in unwavering service to the Sovereign Justice Collective, both in the Phiagre Colonial Marine Corps and representing the people of Phiagre in the Colonial Congress. She has led the fight to strengthen Phiagre's system security and our armed forces, eliminate wasteful government spending, and reform government to make it more responsive to the people.

Born in 3245 on Stevenson, Zahra grew up the daughter and granddaughter of high ranking Naval Officers, the values of honor, courage and commitment were instilled in Zahra from a very young age. After graduating from the Pilots Federation Academy and accepting a commission in the Phiagre Colonial Marine Corps, she launched a 20-year career as a combat pilot.

Zahra was assigned as commanding officer of the PCMC's largest combat space squadron at the Citadel. Zahra’s last Navy duty assignment was to serve as the Marine Corps Liaison to the Colonial Senate. She retired from the PCMC in 3285. Her military honours include the Phiagre Star, Nova Star, Legion of Merit, and the Navy Cross.

Zahra was first elected to the House of Representatives in 3285 from the First District of Phiagre on an agenda of combating piracy and strong inter-system policy. After two terms in the House, Zahra was elected to the Senate in 3295, eventually rising to Chief magistrate in 3297.

Zahra Arias' charismatic and inspiring nature coupled with her hands on approach to Government has given way to her unprecedented rapid rise to power. Her hard line views on interstellar law has given her a no nonsense reputation in governing the Phiagre System and made her both a hit and household name with the citizens of Phiagre. She currently serves as Chancellor of the Sovereign Justice Collective; the highest office of Government.

Under her leadership Phiagre has flourished financially, bolstered its armed forces and began pushing piracy and criminal influence out of the neighboring systems.
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