Cmdr Veyder
Mercenary / Enforcer
Registered ship name
ISS Aegis
Credit balance
Elite IV
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette RPR-00
Overall assets
Ghost Legion
Pranav Antal

Logbook entry

The Burden of Leadership

02 Feb 2016Veyder
I assumed command of Ghost Squadron on 02-Oct-3301, it is hard to believe that it has been four months since my friend and mentor Cmdr Belstarion decided to leave.

I remember telling him that I was no leader and not ready to bear the responsibility of leading Ghost Squadron. I asked him to stay our leader and he assured me that his time as leader had passed and mine was beginning...he gathered the Squadron in the docking bay and made the announcement to all.

After the ceremony, Belstarion and I spent a few days doing a handover of responsibilities... the whole time seemed to be a blur, I was overwhelmed and unfocused.

The squadron was in a rough spot... morale was at a low point with the departure of our founders commanders Belstarion and Verz.  Our membership was stunted and pilots were leaving.

I went to bed one evening not sure about the future  of Ghost Squadron.  Then I woke up and stopped feeling sorry for myself... I engaged the Squadron and promoted commanders to leadership positions.  The most significant of these promotions was CMDR Dobermann IX to Deputy Wing Commander, with his support and the support of the newly promoted leaders we restructured and the Squadron to operate even more efficiently than before by building on the foundations of our founders and focusing our commanders on a singular purpose... The absolute annihilation of injustice and terrorism.  

Four months later we have more than doubled in size and might.

None of this would be possible without the fine men and women within our ranks.

Under my command, I will see to it that we will keep hell packed full with the fresh souls of those who choose to do evil...

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