Cmdr Veyder
Mercenary / Enforcer
Registered ship name
ISS Aegis
Credit balance
Elite IV
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette RPR-00
Overall assets
Ghost Legion
Pranav Antal

Logbook entry

Ghost of Our Past - Chapter 2: They Always Run Pt. 1

08 Feb 2016Veyder

"Sir, we have reached our destination and are exiting supercruise" The words of the ships A.I. seized my attention as Russell Ring came into view with a bright blue flash.

"E.V.E request docking clearance and notify the station Security Administrator that I am here and need access to the crime scene."

"At once Sir"

As we descended on the docking pad... I could see a smartly dressed older man with a smug expression standing off to the side. I had worked with these seemingly pompous types before.  As I stepped down from the ships ladderwell, I noticed the badge and it became all too apparent why his demeanor was unfavorable. He was a detective and I was on his turf.

"CMDR Veyder, your reputation proceeds you. We are honored by your presence." His words barely masked the contempt in his voice.  

"You may dispense with the pleasantries, I am here to see the crime scene and review the terms of the bounty contract."

The detective escorted me the hangar 17 and transferred the security reports, footage as well as the bounty documents to my PAD.

The report was clear, Simon "Lordpsymon" Datura who is a wanted fugitive was confronted by the deceased who was trying to collect the bounty issued for the murder of James "Reck" Harrison.  A firefight ensued during which the bounty hunter was mortally wounded.

"E.V.E have J.A.R.V.I.S run a complete background check on Lordpsymon as well as any known aliases, I want to know everything about him."

"Acknowledged sir"

I scanned the room, evidence of the firefight was apparent... crates and walls bearing the charred marks of pulse pistol fire.  From the grouping of the shots it is clear they were fired by someone proficient in small arms.

"Sir, J.A.R.V.I.S has compiled a report on Simon Datura aka Lordpsymon.  Would you like me to recite the details."

"Go ahead E.V.E"

"Sir, interestingly enough Simon Datura disappeared three years ago while on a passenger vessel enroute to the Nortes system. There were no known survivors however several persons on the ship manifest were never accounted for."

"So Lordpsymon goes missing no contact with family or friends and three years later he reappears on the grid he starts leaving a trail of bodies."  "This will not be a simple case, we are missing some significant pieces to this puzzle."

I signal to the Detective and ask him if he has included the external station security footage.  He nods in the affirmative.

"Tell your administrators I have what I need for now and I will contact your agency when there is an update."

Returning to my ship, I reviewed the footage of Lordpsymon outside of the station, he's obviously a capable pilot but something is nagging me about his flight
pattern there is a slight pause and then a quick course correction.

"J.A.R.V.I.S analyze the flight pattern, there is a slight pause and quick course correction before he jumps out... it's almost like he considered going one place but quickly changed his mind."

"Good eye sir, there was indeed a last second course correction."

"Judging by the ships trajectory can you extrapolate a possible destination in that direction?"

"Sir, based on the ships trajectory and jump range there is a 91.9% chance he was heading for Kremainn before the course change."

"I like those odds, ready the ship for departure and set course for Kremainn, sooner or later he will show up."
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