Cmdr Veyder
Mercenary / Enforcer
Registered ship name
ISS Aegis
Credit balance
Elite IV
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette RPR-00
Overall assets
Ghost Legion
Pranav Antal

Logbook entry

CMDR's Log 31-Jul

31 Jul 2015Veyder
I got an encrypted communiqué from my contact in Falcon Delacy shipyards, seems that my custom heavy trade Anaconda has been completed its final quality control inspection and was ready for pickup.

I registered the ship as the Vesuvius; named for the volcano on Earth that destroyed the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. After finalizing the purchase and being handed the ship's core encrypted ignition key, I linked E.V.E, S.A.U.L and J.A.R.V.I.S  to the Ship's Core Computer to help manage this behemoth. I severed the ships moors and took it on its initial voyage.  On the journey back I thoroughly tested the ships systems with the respective A.I. system managers J.A.R.V.I.S was assigned power management and engineering, S.A.U.L was assigned to Tactical and Weapons, E.V.E manages the other two A.I. entities and the remaining ships functions.

All systems go.

I was interdicted while en-route to meet up with CMDRs Dobermann224 and Reykur. S.A.U.L immediately  deployed full hardpoints... turns out it was a lone System Defence Authority, with all those weapons trained on him/her they must have shit themselves because they left without performing their ship scan. I sent a communication to the local system authority to file a complaint for being interdicted without a warrant especially since I do not have a record.

Upon meeting CMDR Dobermann224 in Mutujiali, he related to me that he was about to be interdicted. I informed S.A.U.L to perform a scan on the subject whose status showed up as wanted. Once we all dropped from Hyperspace I ordered S.A.U.L to go weapons free disabling the assailant's ship and breaching his canopy.

The wanted ship opened a communication channel and began pleading with me to take him into custody and take him to the nearest system authority office. While he was begging, I began to review the charges levied against him.

I read the following charges over the voice comms:

- Murder 8 counts (System Authority Vessel (1 Officer), Civilian traders (2 Pilots),  Civilian transport (Family with women and children onboard (5 persons)

- Illegal human trafficking

- Rape

I closed comms

I had S.A.U.L transfer weapons to my panel and targeting to my visor. I fired the pulse lasers directly into the cockpit and incinerated the pilot.  A much faster death than he deserved.

E.V.E inquired why I did not comply with the request to take the subject into custody. I explained that he should ask forgiveness from those he has murdered.

E.V.E's response was that this notion was illogical as those persons are deceased and communication with them would not be possible (Typical A.I. reasoning)

I then explained that it was more economical/efficient to execute him rather than burn fuel and time transporting him.  That satisfied her query.
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