Logbook entry

Tenebrea's Rhizomes

29 Mar 2020Ren Solsen
Teneabrea's exploration was something different. After such a demanding journey, finally arriving in the region brought tears to my eyes. The journey was difficult, painful and full of uncertainties.

We had two missions in Tenebrea. First was to identify the elusive Rhizome Pods, a regional staple that few pilots have seen in person. The second was to reach Magallan's Star, the galaxy's eastern point.

The pods turned out easier to find than we thought. We targeted systems with A stars and managed a wide portfolio of first discoveries with phenomena. Usually, we found the pods together with silicate and ice crystals and on occasion on rings. They emit an interesting sound, but nothing more interesting. There was more to discover, though, and we were happy to find an undiscovered earth-like world in such a remote place.

Magallan's Star was a sight. We could fit the entire galaxy on the cockpit's front window. On our back, just black. This marked the apex of our journey. Now the task is to get back home with or without detours. That far we cant see.

Next stage is to cross Lyra's Song again and head towards the bubble. We are over 40.000ly in a straight line but our plotting will have to follow the curvature of the galactic arms. We will see what is left for us to discover.
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