Logbook entry

Logbook #25 Losing Faith in the Empire

23 Apr 2021Isabella Levine


[Audio Log]

[User Voice Identified as: Isabella Levine]

"So...an update. I'm still here and haven't been targeted by Imperial agents or something. I've just been distracted with...things. Good news, I've finished my exploration ship. My Cobra Mk III is ready to jump into the abyss. She's clocking at 47ly roughly and with a small ship like the Cobra, she's relatively maneuverable. Well, to me at least. She's not a flying house like the Anaconda or some other large ship, but she's small and I like small. Had to do some fetching of parts and talking to engineers to get my new baby running like I want her. Even had to dive into Guardian ruins and boy...those places aren't as creepy as Thargoids but they definitely make your hair stand up. Plus those homicidal sentinels."

"Anyway, that's all out of the way. Haven't even looked at what's happening in the galaxy. I've been loaded with things. Actually, right now I'm at the Marlinist, Capitol or….whatever you want to call it. Decided I'd visit and I've got to say, I've been listening to them more and more and I've come to not dislike them like I originally did. In fact, I feel sympathetic towards them. I probably sound like a hypocrite, I know, but I can't blame them for not wanting to be oppressed under the hereditary monarchy of the Empire. I mean, after what they did to me for three days and then just left like it was nothing when I was who they were after? You see, it's all dependent on family status. If you're not someone's son or daughter then who cares about you? Who even are you to anyone? You're a nobody and for someone like me that doesn't have a family...I'm fine with being a nobody. I've blazed my own path without having a surname of importance and I've been wildly successful. I'm me and I'm independent, self-reliant and can get a job done. So these people...they did the same thing as a collective and they became successful, I'd say. They brought to life something that we thought was dead and gone. The ideology of Marlinism. So hell, I'll support them. Been here three days and I've had nothing but great experiences and met good people. I've even stumbled into a nice handsome guy I'm probably bothering too much."

"Ahh, anyway. My rants over. It felt good to finally say, though. I've just had a lot on my mind and learning more about myself and what really happened to me at birth boils my blood, I suppose. All of it comes to a flashpoint and I'm starting to reach it with supporting the Empire. My father is a zealot when it comes to the Empire and his attempt of control over my life makes me feel like it was wasted from the start. It was wasted from the start. I mean...I could've been the perfect little soldier I was literally born to be...but no. I rather be what I am now. Anyway, that's another rant I won't get into as I've spoken long enough here. So, Commander signing off."

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