Logbook entry

Logbook #28

10 Jul 2021Isabella Levine


[User voice identified as: Isabella Levine]

"Ah...it's been quite some time since I sat and made a log. This ones a little less intense than my last. More of an update on where I'm at. Currently, I'm on board a Carrier with my father, yes I managed to get him here, and we're headed to Colonia. I have my father here because he needs to unwind from the crap job of being an Imperial Captain to an Interdictor mega-ship. It took convincing and some...lying...to get him to come. Yes, lying is bad but he lied to me my whole life so too bad. Anyway, he's here and we're headed to Colonia….or that's what's supposed to happen. Halfway out there happened to be problems with the Carriers FSD preventing jumps or something like that. Had to stop in random systems several times until the stupid thing was repaired. It's not a big deal I'm told, but this is the third time we've stopped and it's taking nearly a month to travel anywhere close to halfway to Colonia so now I'm starting to get annoyed." 

"Yes, I guess I'm cranky but it's been long and it's been boring because I can't go far without worrying about the next jump once they get things working again. I'm not playing catch up so I don't want to miss departures. Technically I could be on my own but I would rather stick to the big ship that'll get me to where I want to go much faster...if it'd actually jump. I do have to say though, I have been able to slip some exploration in here and there. Nothing but Ice worlds and Red Dwarfs really but there have been some interesting systems. Some Ice worlds had unicellular bacterial colonies that I scanned with that fancy Genetic Sampler I picked up at a station a while ago. The device is fantastic and helps identify the organism you're scanning. I did try it on myself and no...it doesn't work. Bummer, I know. Oh, I have also found a chilled little Water World as well. I wish I could check these places for multicellular marine life but unfortunately, I can't. The ocean was H2O in composition so I'd expect some kind of life. But who knows."

"Regardless, I've been looking at the political news and I may be late to this but I've noticed some splitting in the Federation. An independent breaking away from the state to form their own. It's beautiful to see. I wonder if more will do it. I figured as much when the independent declared secession from the Feds that they'd label them criminal and declare war. I'd say the Feds are bad but it's not like the Empire isn't any better, right? I grow less and less fond of governments by the month, let me tell you. I hope more of this happens and breaks it all up. But...who cares what I think. I'm out here away from it, haha. I've never stayed long in Colonia so this is the first time I'm actually going to be staying for an extended period of time. Feels weird. Like I'm away from home but I'm really not. I don't know how to explain it. Anyway, that's what's happening to me. Nothing exciting or crazy just...floating around the Carrier looking to occupy myself and occasionally heading out to look for interesting Stars or planets. We did just pull into a binary system with an O class star, B class and a newly forming star that I cannot remember the name of. No planets either. But yeah, I'm signing off now to go bother my father or something. Bye!" 
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