Logbook entry

Logbook 29

26 Jul 2021Isabella Levine


[User voice as: Isabella Levine]

"Ah-ha! I'm back! With a fresh new log. Really I just wanted to log an update on current matters. Carrier is still busted so I left it to head to our destination. Colonia. Well now I'm there and I was going to leave my father behind but thank god for his sake because I still love him and I'm not a horrible person to leave family stranded. Especially when I'm supposed to get them there. Regardless, I had to live with him for a few days in my tight-spaced Cobra. I don't need to explain how uncomfortable that was for a woman like me but we made it and there's lots of places to drink and be entertained down here. So he should be good for a bit. Or so I thought."

"One thing I should share is that the real reason I brought him out here is because of threats that were directed his way, or what I perceive as threats against his life. I found out about it via a close friend who provided evidence to prove this. Yeah, cliche, I know, but I think he may be being targeted by someone or something. Could be a false threat or some sad copycat terrorist who is too lame to be original, either way, of course, a stubborn old man like my father who's been in the navy way too long wouldn't take the hint to duck, so I have to make him. Took some convincing to get him to take this long extended leave with his daughter. I said it'd be a blast of excitement and fun once we got to Colonia. He's never been, so I played on that to convince him further. Well, now we're here and he's not impressed. At all. On top of that, there's some stuff going on with the 'close' friend of mine I mentioned earlier that I came up here with. A trip back to the bubble looks likely. So I really don't know how my stubborn father is going to stay here for a few weeks until I figure something out. I wish I had more information on what the hell is going on sometimes. With many things. Eh, whatever. This friend I mentioned twice now is someone I've been seeing for a while now too, if I didn't say that yet. A pilot like myself, someone I'll talk more about in the future maybe. I like him and want to help with whatever it may be considering what he's done for me but I don't know exactly what goes on with him sometimes. It can be hard to follow. Like I said, it now looks like we're headed back and it's a bit frustrating considering how difficult it was to get here. A lot of things have been frustrating me recently."

"But, enough about me. Let's talk about the news! I've been hearing about this Far God Megaship? I find that pretty odd if I'm going, to be honest here. I know they're not hostile but something tells me building a Cult a Megaship might not end well somewhere down the line. Is anyone else a little creeped out by a bunch of weirdos that worship Thargoids getting a Megaship? Just me? I feel like they'll do something that'll get tons of people killed by Thargoids. But maybe I'm being judgmental about them. I am being judgmental. I've never met these people nor heard of them if I'm being completely honest. I mean I can imagine what they're like but...I don't know. I don't like Thargoids, they've tried to kill me and nearly did once. So excuse me I guess if I'm not a big fan of people who worship aliens that have killed millions of us. Guess I'm just a non-believer. Oh well, anyway. Nothing important to add further. I'm signing off now. Thanks, I guess to those that listen to my ramblings about my broken family and bad political takes. You're all beautiful people and I love you. Bye guys!"
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