Logbook entry

LogBook #31 Moving Forward

24 Aug 2021Isabella Levine


[User Voice: Isabella Levine]

"Didn't know when I was ready to make another one of these but here I am. It's been a wild month, to say the least, and not in a good way. I've been gone from doing leisurely logs and that's mainly because of what I'll briefly cover in a minute and also because I needed some time to myself mostly. My latest log mentioned I was hunting someone threatening my father. Well, I found him and everything went to shit to make a long story very short. I was ambushed, captured, shot, and used as a pawn to draw out the one person I tried keeping safe the whole time and now he's gone because of it. I should add that I did manage to escape thanks ultimately to my father's preplanning before surrendering himself and Jame for pulling off a Search and Rescue operation that together they planned. I know I've mentioned him before and don't talk a lot about it because who really cares about relationships but I'll just say it, yes, he's a partner of mine who I have fallen in love with. So moving on with that, I do admit that this was a little out of my depth. I half expected it to be something small. Like a disgruntled service member or someone he really pissed off in the past. Not someone with a bunch of trained mercenaries hired to help him seek revenge against really just my mother who I never even knew or met once in my life. Can I even call her my mother? Personally….I really couldn't care if someone was after her. I'm not really a religious type, but if you sin you atone for it right? I mean revenge is a bit extreme but if I'd known who this sociopath was really after I'd have stayed out of it. My father would kill me for saying that. He loved her and obviously still kept track of her movements...a little weird and clingy but not unexpected coming from a papa bear. He's done it to me and I've called him on it. No one wants to be followed and tracked. I like my privacy."

"In my previous log's I've complained about my father a lot. Made him sound like he was a zealot for the Empire and that he...created me to be some perfect little daughter that would be his second in line. Serve the Empire! He was those things, I won't lie. But he was also a loving father. He pushed me pretty hard on things but when it wasn't something involving the Empire or training me to be perfect in some way, he was rather quite a fun dad. He always wanted to do something if the time permitted. I loved those moments. It's just that he took his job above everything else and I hated that about him. It was always the Empire first. Then he wanted me to follow in those footsteps? No. But god do I ever miss him."

"I don't know how exactly it happened but what I do know is that they left on an Anaconda. I remember him mentioning it as their transportation before they left the settlement. I did contact local authorities in LHS 2522 and they only managed to bring up 3 different Anaconda's that passed through on the 10th. One of them being destroyed. The others only passed through and didn't stop so I knew it wasn't them. Authorities claimed the destroyed vessel wasn't a crime but an accident so I had to contact the Search and Rescue team operating in that system to get more details. Apparently, he was caught in the ejection cone of the systems White Dwarf. 'An accident. Happens to careless pilots who aren't paying attention.' It wasn't a stupid accident, dick! I wanted to say that so bad but didn't. I swear the next person to say something like that I might punch them in the face. I know something happened before and I bet it was some ridiculous move to stop Erik from doing what he wanted. I knew he was planning something dumb when he told me he gave that asshole the wrong system. What if I screamed out that the location was false before they left? Would he still be alive? He might not have forgiven me but at least he'd still be here. Part of me is mad at him but I know it really comes down to me. It's my fault ultimately."

"He wanted me to reach my mother and I guess talk to her. Meet her for the first time. How's that going to go? 'Hey. I'm your daughter but not really because I wasn't actually birthed by you but instead gestated inside an artificial womb thanks to your husband, my father. It's nice to meet you...mom.' Yeah right. Like that won't be incredibly awkward. I have a lot of thinking to do. That's all I have right now. Bye for now I guess."

[End Log]
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