Logbook entry

Log Book #32 Lost

01 Sep 2021Isabella Levine


[User Voice Isabella Levine]

"I have to be honest here and say that I think I'm lost a bit. I usually find myself sticking my nose into something in this galaxy that I'm not supposed to and getting in trouble or helping people or someone in need of rescue. Performing a job or simply exploring. But recently I've….just been stuck inside Starports doing really nothing productive. I mean there was one particular port I've been staying at has a conflict sim to train new recruits on ground tactics and fighting. It's a military system in Fed space but I've been really into this simulation for some reason. Each stage has a required object with a set amount of hostiles to avoid, attack or defend against. I've been doing more covert types of objectives where I start off with little to nothing and I have to secure caches with supplies to complete the job. Me? I just engage in hand-to-hand combat and steal the weapons. Then I go on this manhunt to eliminate every threat I come across using the generated environment to my advantage. This typically gives me a horrible rating because eliminating every bot isn't very 'covert'. I've also been pushed aside when it's a cooperative effort with other people. They hate me when I 'ruin the objective of the mission for everyone'. I just….have to get it done. Take out every possible threat before it becomes a bigger problem later and gets us surrounded. I'm being proactive and actually helping. Screw the objective. I was told to go load combat scenarios but I'm not wearing that cumbersome Dominator suit to shoot at waves of armoured bots. I'll do whatever I want. But no. I've been restricted access so I guess I really can't do whatever I want. I've violated safety rules or some bullshit when someone saw what I was doing and now I'm restricted. So I moved on and now I'm just hopping from location to location looking for something to do. I've kept a close eye on Galnet and there's no shortage of craziness. I did read about the Marlinist having a war which was a bit of a shock to me. But really...maybe it wasn't a shock and I'm being naive. I mean with the attack and having the Neo Marlinist have a political seat I mean...ahh whatever. Screw politics. You're always wrong and opinions are everywhere. "

"A change of pace, I've actually bumped into a place with a really interesting party club. A Zero-G one that I can't remember the name of most likely because I had too much of the alcoholic beverages they served. I won't even attempt on what I believe the place was called but it was actually really fun. Great music and entertainment. I do however remember what I was drinking though. It was this sweet peachy fruity drink with not a lot of alcohol percentage to it. That's why I chose it, I wasn't looking to get wasted. Buuut I met people, enjoyed the entertainment and really enjoyed that drink. I was there waaay too long. Both my liver and my bladder hated me the day after. That hangover was the worst and I know it's that sugary drink I pumped into me. I woke up in my ship's HAB floating outside my bed. I didn't even secure myself properly to sleep. That was two days ago and about the most fun I had all month."

"Now I'm planning on heading out into the black again or something. I know I'm supposed to talk to my mother but I can't. She's probably extremely busy with being part of the Alliance Defense Force. I mean she used to be a Senator for the Empire so I bet she brings highly regarded experiences in leadership or something. I didn't know she was a bloody Imperial Senator until….well yeah. She's married again, though. My dad was right. I ask around a bit when I had my confidence a few weeks ago. Just wanted to know if there was a woman that matched my mother's description and had the first name, Rosemary. One guy I talked to who worked for the ADF said there was. Asked who I was and why I was looking for her. I chickened out and made some embarrassing excuse before running away. Haven't looked back since..."

"So that's that! Truly still planning on heading into the black and looking for things to find. I don't know if being on my own out there is good for me or worse but I found this Planetary Nebula about eight or so thousand light-years out and I want to check it out. It's really green. Until next time, audio's." 
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