Logbook entry

Log Book #35 Bodies and Broken Things (Re-upload.)

12 Sep 2021Isabella Levine
This is a re-upload. I wanted to fix something and deleted the whole thing messing it up more. Dont ask. Lol.

[Date: 09/11/3307]

[Time: 23:09]

[User: CMDR Isabella Levine]

"So the other day I said I picked up this job where they wanted me to go to this Industrial Manufacturing Plant and investigate what happened there since they've gone dark. My job contractor suspects that an attack from a rival faction happened that resulted in their radio silence but I figured it was simply a communication error….ok I'm lying. I'm not that naive. I was definitely expecting the worst and my intuition was right. I decided to bring my ASP Scout on this job and recon the area from above. At first, it didn't seem bad. No power, sure, but I wasn't being shot at. Scavengers haven't come yet to steal every valuable thing they could get their grubby little hands-on."

"I picked a spot and landed stepping out and pulling on foot recon. That's when I knew it was so much worse than what I saw in the air. There were bodies strewn out everywhere. All sorts of gunshot wounds. People tried to run it seemed but where the hell can you run to? They were all shot in the back. Looked like some put up a fight but to no avail."

"Inside the building, I could see the glow of flames and heavy damage to interior structures. These must've been places where fighting was the heaviest. This place was more than attacked it was completely massacred. I decided to get a power regulator, that I may or may not have stolen from someone, and cut my way into the Power Center. Inside were dead technicians. Executed with shots to the head. Gruesome, I'm sorry. But I need to log this. That's what I saw. And I'm sorry to say as it might be a bit morbid but I did clone their security access to initiate the Power Regulator. I have morales but I needed access to the Power Plant console. Whoever did this took the original Power Regulator. I'd say pirates but pirates take things of value and this place has things of value everywhere. Nothing was touched. Just...bodies and broken things."

"I made sure to methodically check each building and look for evidence of what happened. I picked up some personal computers that might come in handy. I tried to check the Administrators Dataport in the main Industrial building for surveillance or recordings of what happened but everything was whipped. Odd, I know. So I decided to head back to the Power Center and take back the Power Regulator to leave. Yes, that's right, I'm not here to restore settlements I'm here to get a job done and it was done. So once the power was down and I tried to leave, the Scavengers that weren't there before decided to show up and boy did they ever come in force. Two ships. Twelve total. I tried picking them off one by one using the environment around me to my benefit but they closed in on me far too quickly. One against twelve isn't feasible so I just ran with what I had and left."

"I handed everything I had to my job contractor and told them what I witnessed. They said to wait for further instructions like I was still on the job. Like I wasn't finished. I didn't even get my credit transfer yet. So now I'm sitting here in this station watching ships fly in and out waiting on my next job I guess. Nothing about this sounds right especially what I saw. This couldn't be a rival faction. I don't think at least. Would they really massacre a whole Industrial Plant of just workers and a few sentries that guard the place? I know I should still wait but I might head back and take a closer look but I have to figure out how to deal with all those scavengers. Damn! And they're probably pulling the place apart as I make this! Ugh, I feel myself about to do something stupid but I think I might go back. Going to end this log, so I'm signing this off. Bye!"

[End Log]

(Isabella Clearing HAB 1 for hostiles)
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