Logbook entry

Stuck in the Middle (Ep. 5) "The Search"

24 Sep 2021Isabella Levine

Continued from Ep. 4

The elevator doors to McMillans Prospect main Bar and Grill opened and a man came flying in, nearly knocking Isabella off her feet.

"Whoa! Slow it down there, buddy. You in a rush?" 

The lanky black-haired man, dressed in professional business wear, apologetically waved as the elevator door closed and he was gone as quickly as he appeared. 

"He looks well out of his place here. Wasn't even paying attention."

Isabella said, turning and walking further into the dimly lit bar. Purple and pink neon lights gave the place a sort of warmth invitation as she took a quick glance around. Her mind completely went blank on what she was here for when the aromas of what could only be cheap bar food and alcohol hit her nose. Her abdomen angrily growled at her reminding her she hasn't eaten anything for hours. It was too bad too because she remembered again why she was here and unfortunately it wasn't for food and a drink.

"Isabella, let's get something to eat. I'm sooo hungry. Please?"

Isabella smiled as she approached the main bar seeing an assortment of different people gathered around drinking, eating, and chatting with one another. Must've been that time of the day where most of the miners and factory workers got off and had a drink or two because there wasn't much room to stand at the bar side table.

"I'll buy you something after we talk to this guy I need to meet. It'll be fast."

Violet slouched and exhaled with dramatic flare. It wasn't what she wanted to hear but that was too bad. Later. She already had a few snacks before touching down here anyway, Isabella recalled. She wasn't starving to death.

"Who are we looking for again?"

Violet said as she followed Isabella like a lost puppy.

"My mission contractor, as I said. I want to inform him about what's going on and hopefully, he can run it up the chain of command and get this resolved diplomatically. Then I can drop you off with him so he can help you get home or hand you over to Search and Rescue and be done with this." 

Isabella was stopped in her search when Violet grabbed her arm and pulled her to a halt. She turned and looked at her.

"I'm not being left with some random guy or being sent to Search and Rescue. They'll send me to my mother and I hate her. I'm not stepping foot in Sol. And we're doing something about those guys, right? There has to be justice for what they did. There has to be!" 

Isabella looked into her eyes and saw desperation. Everything that's happened was eating her up inside and she could tell Violet wanted to do more than just have justice.

"There will be, Violet. It'll be worked out through the right-"


Violet shouted with lost temper now. No one took much notice of her outburst as it was drowned out by dozens of other voices.

"You don't believe that. You know nothing will happen and it'll just be another unfortunate incident shoved under the rug. No one will care!" 

"Are you looking for justice or revenge?"

Isabella snapped back at her.

"Because revenge just results in hardship and more loss. I've seen it. I've experienced it. Now we're finding this guy, telling him what happened and what you witnessed, then I'm dropping you off." 

She yanked her hand away and continued her circle around the tightly crowded bar looking for her mission contractor but to no avail. Maybe he was taking a restroom break? He couldn't have moved far, she thought. She wasn't gone for too long either. A few hours maybe? She turned back to a sulking Violet.

"We'll wait here for him. If he doesn't show up, plan B will be for me to get an audience with the Administrator of Styx Galactic Incorp. They'll listen to a Pilots Federation Commander if I make it urgent enough. Do you know who the current administrator is?"

Before Violet could get a word out, a bearded older man spun on his bar seat and faced the two women. He gave a subtle wave and held a big smile. Isabella glared at him.

"Can I help you?"

He flicked his finger at her and spoke as if they'd known each other.

"Excuse me madam but it would seem yer looking for Jayden Sterling. She was just recently voted in as new Admin of Styx Galactic Inc. Boy she's a fiery little whippersnapper! Haha! I love 'er! The last fella died in some tragic accident, ye hear 'bout that? Apparently, his 'ol ship crashed but you know them crazy conspiracists. Sayin...huep...sayin that his damn ship blew up from a bomb or somethin planted inside! Hahaha! What a bunch of hoodwinks. They're just startin stuff for no reason just mad tha-"

Isabella waved a thank you and pulled Violet aside before the old drunken man talked her ear off. She considered the conspiracy theory trying to connect what she experienced with what the drunk old man talked about but couldn't make the connection.

"Isabella. You think they're right?"

Violet said suddenly. It was as if she read her mind. Both were thinking the same thing.

"I don't see the connection." 

Violet tilted her head and gave a look of dissatisfaction.

"How? Sterling's been a bureaucrat for ages. Hated Rawlinson, the guy before, with a passion. She wanted control and a fringe group of supporters followed her wanting secession from the Federation ultimately. She lost in the last election and ever since has been on a campaign to destroy her opponent with slander and character assassination. She has these broadcasts that talk about a failed leader he was and a failing Federation. After his death a few days ago all she's done is spew garbage about him, as usual, but the only difference is she's got a much bigger voice now. Guess she recently won while I...ugh. Now that I think about it, she definitely has her hands in this. What a bitch." 

Isabella rattled that in her head for a moment before taking another look for her mission contractor. Still nothing. He literally disappeared and she had no idea where or why. She couldn't sit here and wait for his return.

"Okay. So we're going with plan B. I'm talking to this Jayden Sterling woman. We'll head to the Administrators wing and I'll see if I can get some answers on what happened to 'Ren Manufacturing Plant' and your father. Come on."

Before she could take a step, Violet pulled on her arm and stopped her again.

"No! Are you stupid. Didn't you hear what I just said? She's in on this, Isabella."

Isabella sighed and rubbed her forehead trying to think if there was another way. The girl was a witness but there wasn't proof of a rogue team of soldiers from Styx Galactic Inc ever being there let alone any type of evidence of this Jayden Sterling having a hand in an assassination of a faction head administrator. If there was evidence of a rogue team they were whipped from the last time she checked the settlement's Dataport a few hours ago. If she brought this to the Federal Intelligence Agency, there was a high chance they'll dismiss it as another millionth incident that happens in the galaxy and ignore it. They wouldn't care.

"It's possible but there's no solid evidence to bring to anyone. I don't have any better options, Violet. Right now I need you to go back to the hangar. If I'm not back there in...an hour let's say. You need to head to Search and Rescue. I know you're a witness but if things go sideways I need you out of harm's way."

Violet furrowed her brows.

"No. Please, Isabella. I have a bad feeling about this. What if they kill you or something? Please. We can fight them ourselves if we have to. I've seen you fight. We could kick ass."

A half-smile slowly grew on Isabella's face. She waved her on and Violet followed her through the crowded low lightened bar.

"Hey, I got a bad feeling too, kiddo but I don't see us doing much in a damaged Scout with a wounded commander in its helm."

Reaching the elevators again, she turned and faced Violet placing a hand on her arm.

"Remember our conversation about being fearless?" 

Violet nodded.

"I'm scared shitless right now."

A slight smile grew across her face and in turn, made Isabella smile.

"You're not a bad kid. You have a bit of a short temper but you're not bad. I like you, Violet, but if anything happens...please go to Search and Rescue where they can safely transfer you back home. I know you said you hate your mother but there's nowhere for you to go right now." 

Violet's face distorted with a scowled and she shook her head.

"No. I can't, Isabella. I'm not going back to Sol. You don't understand my mom. She's a drunk who regrets having me and sleeps with a bunch of lowlifes." 

Isabella's heart sank for the third time today once she heard that. She was about to send a young teen back to her drunken mother and...Shit! If something happened she couldn't live in good conscience knowing the decision she made could've stopped something.

"Dammit! Ugh. Why's this so complicated? Okay. There's someone I know who can look after you temporarily. This is only a contingency plan but if I don't make it back, go into my ship and access the communication panel. There you'll see contacts. Commander James Six. He'll look after you. Oh, and please discourage him from coming after me because he would and then we'll have bigger issues. Promise me you'll do this, Violet."

She frowned but reluctantly nodded, sending a wave of relief over Isabella. 

"Thank you, kiddo. I'll see you soon." 

Isabella faced the elevator and pressed the button. The door opened and she looked back at Violet one last time.

"Hangar 08, Violet. Go."

She stepped inside the elevator and the doors closed leaving her alone for good now. It felt like this plan was now officially set in stone. There was no turning back. Isabella just hoped that this wasn't the last time she saw those innocent dark brown eyes and messy frizzled long blonde hair.

McMillan Prospect Communal Bar/Grill

Next Ep. 6
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