Logbook entry


26 Oct 2021Isabella Levine


RECORDING LOCATION: 'Guardian Angel' Imperial Clipper

LOG TYPE - Audio


VOICE RECOGNITION: Commander Isabella Levine



"Alright, hi. So from where I last left off with my previous log. I said I had an Imperial Clipper in order that was going to be my primary rescue vessel. Well, it came and I had most of the internals stripped to fit several economy class passenger cabins for my Paresa rescue I wanted to do. I'll be honest here; I've never flown Gutamaya ships before. At least the large ones. So when I took 'Guardian Angel', my ship I named thanks to Thallia, out for my first test flight to get the hand of the controls, flight control had a few unsavoury messages to send me about me endangering other pilots. Like...I'm not doing the maneuvers inside the station but I guess they're just stingy when you do it in their 'no fire zone' or whatever."

"So I did come across one huge fla-...wait...no. If I say flaw, Gutamaya lovers will hang me for it. I've come across one aspect of this craft I don't enjoy coming from a woman who likes her small fast ships and that's the ventral thrusters. They're abysmal. Yeah, yeah, 'get good Bella. It's the pilot, not the ship.' Whatever. I don't enjoy the drifting the ship does and I don't want to admit the number of fines I have from hitting others, blocking traffic, and...loitering charges. Screw the guy who hit me with that by the way. You're a prick and if I knew who you were I'd…ughhh. You saw me trying my best to move, dick!"

"Ugh, so anyway. I arrived in Paresa and made my way to Dyson City where most of the evacuations were already completed. Well...of Imperial citizens that is. Yes, you heard right. Imperial citizens. Everyone else? Well, they're a [#$@!]ing afterthought, right. Imperial citizens are a priority above all else. God, you know how embarrassing it is to call myself an Imperial citizen sometimes? People automatically assume I'll be some uptight [#$@!] who doesn't care about anything other than her own appearance and stature. I mean the audacity for them to mandate that only Imperial citizens are to have first access to emergency shuttles is absolutely preposterous. Maddening. They had security forces ready to enforce this crap during an emergency! A [#$@!]ing emergency evacuation! When I heard that from one of my passages I…I just got upset. Angry. Angry at...everything. The Empire, the NMLA….this whole galaxy and how screwed up it is. I don't know...guess there's a lot on my mind and I kinda just feel...broken. Emotionally. With everything that happened to me this year I'm just being beaten and battered. Old wounds still hurt, y'know." 

"Thank god I have someone I can talk to about my problems, though. Thallia she's...well she's a sweetheart. I talked to her and she just...she helps me with my challenges when she can and it makes me so grateful that I met her. She's great. I mentioned Thallia in my last log so I should go backwards in time a little to explain how we connected."

"So, I did manage to pull her out of Delta Pavonis and get that god-awful cruel explosive collar off her neck. The details on that can probably be found from her logs she's made herself. But we successfully fled to a nearby system called Lacaille 9352 that had a large Coriolis Starport and a relatively low population. On 'paper', it looked alright. A fine hideout till things blew over and Thallia could heal up from her injuries."

"The Starport was called Gupta City and it was there the two of us settled and recuperated for a few days. When we first landed, Thallia and I actually headed to this cute little clothing store in the main commercial district after we picked up a medical kit from a neighbouring pharmaceutical store. We...well no, she needed to get a fresh pair of clothes since she didn't have any and I could've used some new attire as well I figured at the time. So once I picked out my stuff and waited for Thal, I proactively rented us a pretty lavish cabin room so we could rest somewhere nice and be comfortable...or well she could be. I want to make a side note here: Gupta City is pretty high-tech, so there's a surprising amount of wealthy people living on this floating city. It's such a bizarre system with only a few million and such a weird name for a High-Tech station. I mean before we arrived I thought it was going to be a dump of a station but imagine my shock when we entered."

"Regardless, I paid the extra credits and got us a room. Had to take a lift system from the commercial district. Must have been some communal drop off as the lift was jammed packed with people. Ugh, I hate being stuck in large crowds. Just...no room to move or breathe. I accidentally hit a guy with my hand placement and we both looked at each other...ugh it was so awkward! So I...so I put my hand around Thallia instead and suffered the ride until being let off at our location. Was embarrassed a little and I apologized to Thallia but...she...well she didn't mind it. She said she enjoyed it a bit and I got that...message? You know...the feeling like...ah, it's hard to explain! But I blushed and I think she saw me do it. I...it's hard to explain my emotions. I only met her that day, hours prior, and I...felt...connected to her. For example, before Gupta City, we were in the back of my Asp Scout trying to get that collar off her neck. Again, a cruel device. It had needles and hooks dug into her neck. Like [#$@!] the person who put that on her...on anyone."

Ughh, so while attempting to deactivate an explosive around someone's neck, we talked about...personal stuff from both our lives. I mean that's what normal people do obviously, right? But, joking aside, we did talk about our history like mine with the Empire. My disastrous Naval career. Some of the things I regret and hate. She talked about her history and how she was Corpo once. High up the chain of command or whatever they call it in the business game. I was impressed by that. I mean I look at someone like Thallia. This...gitty, jubilant, playful woman who just beams of positive energy working some corporate ladder? It's hard to believe if you meet her. She's spontaneous and just...I love her. You could bottle up that energy and joy and use it to run a Fleet Carrier. But what I love the most is that she's understanding of me and...her words. How she comes across….she's wonderful. When it's serious she's so gentle and kind. So I'll just admit it...I like her. Like...I like, like her. A lot. 

"In that cabin, I rented out for us, we ordered a huge pile of food from Gupta Pizzeria. They're like...a big thing in Lacielle 9352 and neighbouring systems. They have really good food, I'll admit it. 'Best pizza in 20 Light Years. Delivered straight to your doorstep. 5 light-year free delivery. That's the advert. Sure fits the bill, to be honest. But anyway, we got to our cabin and checked it out. I had to use the bathroom right away and while I was in there I brought my new clothes with me to change quickly and...yes... I tried to tidy up a bit for Thallia. I uhmm...stepped out after a minute of getting cleaned up and she was already changed and sitting there on the large sofa with shorts and a vest top on. I was a bit shocked, to be honest. Didn't expect it, I guess. She put the shorts on so it was a bit easier to get to her wound on her thigh. It was a nasty laser Sear she must've gotten before I arrived at Camp Mitterand back in Delta Pavonis. Poor woman. It looked worse than it was but still painful for her."

"I asked her if she needed help and she did. I'm not a doctor but I've dealt with a few wounds in my time so I sorta had the slightest idea. Again we started with having these...deep conversations. I began about me and where I grew up. My father and how he indoctrinated me. Made me a weapon. How I wasn't born from a natural mother. The fact that I don't have an actual biological mother. I dumped a lot on her...sorry Thal. But she did pull me in for a big hug and held me. Told me that I escaped a life I didn't want. That I blazed my own path to being who I am today. I looked at her for a moment and this...attraction to her. It just...overwhelmed me. I wanted to...she kissed me. I think she knew I wanted to but I was too scared to make the first move. I mean...you know that first awkward kiss. But it was nice. Being held like that...kissed like that. I tried to tell her that I appreciated her. That I liked her for who she was and her personality but the stupid buzzer rang and interrupted our tender moment. It was only the pizza guy so I wasn't that upset. I mean...food, right?"

"Ehh, but this logs been going on for some time now so I'll wrap it up. Thallia and I gorged on Pizza and Potato wedges while we talked a bit more before I could only finish half of my food as I was done. After our healthy dinner, we went to clean ourselves up by taking a shower in our fancy tiled floor bathroom. Two sinks, big mirror, bathtub and a large shower stall. We...I...Thal- ermm...you know what. Never mind. Our night pretty much ended and we both went to bed not long after having a shower and some Ice Cream we ordered alongside our pizza from earlier. In bed, we were laying there talking about something but I think I fell asleep mid-conversation...I'm again sorry, Thal. If you're listening of course. Hehe...hi."

"But I did have another one of those nightmares that night. Thallia woke me, concern written all over her face. Asking me if I was ok. I...told her it was fine but I'm not. It's the same one. Where I see myself... blood-covered hands and blood splotched face, bodies all around me, darkness. I hear voices asking me why. Why I did what I did. Why I didn't just let them go. That I didn't have to do this. Why I killed them all. Yeah, freaky stuff, right? But then I hear him...that guy from Styx. His name's Tyrese Waters, he's the piece of garbage that killed a bunch of innocent people. His calm focused voice fills my mind no matter what I do in my dream to stop it. He tells me I'm like him. That I'm a killer. A taker....a reaper of lives. That we're the same and we both kill people because we have to...it's a job that I'm good at. The only job I'm good at. Maybe...maybe he's right. I still get job offers time to time and in the past three weeks they've picked up substantially. I've told no one this until now in this log. I guess some people know how....proficient I am and what I do...what I did. Especially after Styx. Word spread fast somehow. I guess I'm connected to the dead combatant outside that Settlement. People know what I can do and...the requests for work like that is pissing me off a little. I can't get rid of this. Who I am.

Ugh, I'll talk about it more in another log perhaps but I think these nightmares are...of the future possibly? I hope not because I'm done with that. The bloody mercenary work that had me doing hits and participating in conflicts. I think all of this is an onset to me stressing about this war we're probably going to have in TITAN. There's this...potential war with these guys called Paladin Interstellar. It's a long story and one I don't have time for right now but there are a few others with logs that have mentioned it. But yeah. There's a lot of planning going on and discussion as I record this log. I think we're going to war with this mercenary group and if we do...I think I have a plan to figure out where the hell they come from. Might not work but I'll try if this really kicks off. I just hate the idea of fighting an enemy without any intel on them. I've done that before and the only way you survive is by luck...sometimes skill. I must say...it's quite an intense time to join this Squadron. I don't know what's going to happen but I'm a bit worried since I'm stuck in the middle of something crazy...again. I was talking to a Commander actually, Sharales 'Spectre', and he offered some combat training. Just in case of any ground conflict situations. I respectfully declined but it had me thinking about that dream. The bodies...blood....no. Nah, that's a stretch. I'm not hurting anyone. I think I'm overreacting. I need to get my head on right. I'm just going to focus on helping those I can and try to ignore the music...if I can."

"But that's another log done. I'm signing off now. Thanks for spending the time to listen for those that did. I wanted to talk about...well I guess my new relationship mainly. I guess the cats out of the box on that one. Hehe...anyway, sorry! Signing off, bye!"


Thallia fed up by another one of Isabella's horrible jokes. (Fun photo I edited, I had to add it )
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