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Locked Away - (A Mini Story) - Continued

16 Dec 2021Isabella Levine

Continued from Locked Away - (A mini Story)

"You're joking." Isabella said while holding back a laugh. "Escape? And you're telling me because…"

"Because I was told if I help you, she can grant me my freedom. During my escape and apparently after. This woman is definitely a spook so I don't trust her a bit but….I could use the help to get out of this shit hole and me talking to you to help get you out is what this lady wants so I believe." Isabella couldn't understand. Who was this woman and why did she want her out? Was she actually a spook? "Oh!" Isabella snapped her fingers. Realization struck over her. This woman must've been the same that leaked the location of the arrest and sent it to the others. Had to be. There was only one person that actively tried to help her and she caught on.

"You know her? Can I trust her?"

"Probably not. But...this escape. You really can pull this off?" Sabrina stepped back, aghast. "You think I can't? This place? I've been here for over a month. This megaship has nothing. Everything on this tin can need replacing or to be fixed but whoever owns this whole joint doesn't spend the necessary creds to solve problems. Leave holes...cracks for us to slip through and I've found one." She took a step closer to Isabella. "I need you to promise something."

Isabella looked into her dark brown tired eyes. "What? What is it?" Her face was somber and serious until a devilish smile grew upon her face. "If we get out alive because of my plan, you owe me a few favors. Deal?" Isabella gave a confronting huff looking as if she'd protest but she didn't and instead stuck out her hand and shook. "Deal. Now tell me the details."

A bright smile lit up across the middle aged woman's face and so she began as Isabella took a tentative bite from her nutrition bar. "Yes. December 15th...tomorrow. Your friend after we met the other day messaged me on my PDA-" Isabella's eyes widened and she glanced around quickly before meeting the eyes of the lady in front of her again. "How do you have that in here?"

"Smuggled in. Wasn't easy. That's what you get with influence. I'm not nobody. But it comes with a cost. I've made enemies here." She sighed and continued on. "But your friend… she has told me that this ship is jumping tomorrow. A mysterious lady, she is. Keeping to the shadows. Anonymous. She said she'd give me the location we are moving to next. That she can relay that to my crew. I am glad she had told me otherwise my month-long plan would have been for not. Your friend has helped me considerably but as I said earlier; I do not trust her still."

Isabella shook her head. "She's not my friend. I don't know her."

"But she has helped you, no?"

"She's not my friend. She won't be." Sabrina chuckled to that. "No? Why is that?" Isabella went quiet for a moment as in deep thought. Her eyes drifted off but after a short moment they came back to focus. "...there's no reason. It's fine." Sabrina glanced at Isabella with a suspicious eye. "You plan something…like me." Isabella didn't say a word and so Sabrina continued. "My crew is going to hit with 3 Anacondas and several support fighters to defend them. Your...not so much friend has mentioned that there are 'weak points' that can be targeted outside the Megaship. 'Power Capcitors' she said in a message. These will disable the ship so I hear and by this time we will be here. Having lunch. Except you will create a distraction. A fight like the other day. Draw the attention of the guards just as the attack begins. Once the attack starts they'll want to lock us down. This cannot happen...."

"Done." Isabella said. She looked at the several positions the guards were in. All of them standing at exits. A few wandering around. A fight would draw them away, she figured. She'd just need to keep it going until there was enough damage done on the outside.

"Ms. Mysterious Jade has said as well that the destruction of the Power Capacitor should create an emergency across the ship. Some survival mode she claims. This takes away security access on doors due to the emergency but cells lock down. This is why we must be outside of them. Hence why timing is important. It should begin when we're here...during lunch." Isabella smiled thinking of a few ideas she could come up with. "Great. So what happens next?"

"We head to the airlocks. Not far from here. One of my Condas should break the locks to the doors and we have freedom." Isabella nodded to that. Plan was solid but most plans never go smoothly so she expected something to go wrong. "What happens if we're pursued? Then what?" Sabrina shrugged. "Won't happen. They'll be too busy with all the other drama."

"I doubt that for some reason. Is there any access to weapons?"

"You going to shoot your way through the guards?"

"If I have to, yes." Isabella replied quickly. Sabrina smiled at that. "I like you already. You'd make a good addition to my crew." Isabella rolled her eyes. "I'm not a criminal."

"But if you kill a guard…" Isabella remained quiet for a second before speaking again. "Doesn't matter anymore. I do whatever I have to. If they stand in my way I'll deal with them. But I'd prefer to have a weapon." Sabrina took a step back and looked at her surroundings. Isabella followed her gaze. "Unless you can find one...good luck. I'm headed for the airlock when things kick-off."

//"All inmates. Break is over. Bring your trays back from where you got them and line up. Single file. Move now."//

"Fine." Isabella said after the announcement over the PA system blared. If anything happened she'd have to think of something on the fly. Or just fight like hell to get out. She looked down at her tray where her half-eaten nutrition bar was and sighed. "Never finished my wonderful meal." Isabella picked up her tray with careful ease. "Are you prepared for tomorrow? It kicks off and there's no turning back." Isabella began to walk towards where all the others were dropping off their trays. As she did she glanced back at her follower.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be…"
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