Logbook entry

Locked Away (A Mini Story) - //Recovered Audio Recordings// #2

14 Dec 2021Isabella Levine
//Recovered Audio Log.//

// Alcatraz Class Prison Ship//

//Jalai System - Imperial Space//

//Bridge/Sensor Sect room - 12/14/3307//

//Start Log? [Y/N]//

Comannding Officer:"Pratt, sitrep on those sensors? What do we see? What's out there? This system worries me."

Pratt: "Just occasional comms traffic from planet settlements and stations. Solar activity from the binary too. Nothing worth mentioning." 

CO: "Copy. What's happening on board?"

P: "Uhhh, nothing out of the ordinary. Pressure in some decks isn't equal properly. Things that need proper care otherwise we could have another incident like-"

CO: "Enough. You know what they'll say."

P: "I do, sir. But-"

CO: "So there's nothing to note? No escaping convicts in the vents causing temperature fluctuations."

P: "No, sir. Nothing like-...hold one. Just picked up a single wake. Entry."

CO: "Can you trace the ship? What is it? I need an Identification, Pratt."

P: "Unknown...might be out of range or its signatures too small to pick up at its distance." 

CO: "Screw sensors then, can we get a visual identification?"

P: "Wait one. Coming up….there."

CO: "The hell am I looking at?"

P: "Damn...can't see it that well. Looks like...it might be... an Asp Scout or Explorer. Hull looks to be completely...black. Switching to thermal. Stand by…..there. Ah, damn. Still hard to see. She must be running cold or something. Definitely an Asp of some sort." 

CO: "They're closer now. Did we get a ship scan?" 

P: "Negative it's...it's…"

CO: "Spit it out, Pratt! It's what?" 

P: "Sensors aren't working properly. They're overwhelmed. I'm getting a bounce back but it's amplified tenfold. Hold on. We're being scanned….they just completed it. Damn. Still can get this thing...shit."

CO: "What is it?"

P: "Launch confirmed from unknown vessel. Approaching quickly."

CO: "Identify it!"

P: "Uhhhh…..limpet. Its trajectory is...the Data Transmitter. It just connected!"

CO: "Are we being hacked?"


CO: "Pratt! Goddammit! Are we being hacked!? Should I ask for guns to be brought online?" 

P: "Affirmative. Hack is underway. But...it's extracting data! Hold on, attempting to counter it." 

CO: "Goddammit, I'm getting guns online to destroy that ship."

P: "They won't work, sir! We still can get a lock on the ship. It's...both cold and emitting some jamming device. Automated defenses won't fire without a target, sir." 

CO: "Shit! Ugh, then we deploy the one fighter hangar that's still operational. I'm making the call. Slow the data siphon."

P: "I…"

CO: "Do it goddammit! I won't ask again!"

P: "It's...it stopped. It's finished or failed or...something, sir. Look."

CO: "....the ships pulling away?"

P: "Yes. I tried shutting down power to the transmitter but...wasn't fast enough before it disengaged. I could've scanned more effectively if we had better equipment that wasn't from 3301 then-"

CO: "You're preaching to the choir, Pratt. I agree but we have to make do with what we got. This isn't a warship. It's an old piece of shit Prison Ship. Made to transfer prisoners and hold the most dangerous ones. Dammit. I hate this system. We're outbound tomorrow finally. Can't stay here. HR 9001 system is next. That systems chartered for tomorrow's jump, correct?"

P: "Yes, sir. It is."

CO: "Good. Next location should be better…"

//End Log….//

Wanted to note just in chase of confusion. Recovered Logs are here to add to background info on what's happening and dates that are shown within them. The main mini-story takes place in lore on the 14th/15th.
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