Logbook entry


24 Dec 2021Isabella Levine



LOG TYPE - Audio


VOICE RECOGNITION: Commander Isabella Levine


"Alright. So here's another log to add to my Titan Contractors log series. I usually do these to get things off my mind and recently there has been soo soo much I just stopped. So...obviously, it's been a while since my last one and I honestly don't remember what happened then so I'll just start new by saying I recently escaped prison. Sounds silly to say publicly but I was wrongfully convicted and convicted by a rogue IIS Agent named Alexandre Corbett. He has something against my deceased father since those two had served in the Imperial Navy together. Corbett had done something unspeakable and was rightfully accused of it. Of course, he never saw it that way and was imprisoned for several years until release. He somehow qualified for Intelligence service and ever since he got a whiff of me being his daughter, he tracked my record with the Imperial Internal Security Service and saw my past run-in with the NMLA. Guess he spent the time finding and capturing this guy on his own and made a deal with him to throw me under the bus by culminating fabricated evidence that could convict me of assisting NMLA bomb-making efforts. It's bullshit of course but it bloody worked and I went out fighting. Trying to get out when they ambushed me and took me in for interrogation again. I...really kicked up a storm when they were processing me to the Prison Ship. I...took a hostage and...well...yeah.

Doesn't matter I guess now. I lost and was thrown in prison but I escaped with the help of a few people and incredible luck. Firstly, I want to note that not every IIS agent is a soulless Imp who follows orders. One agent saw what was happening and has been pulling strings to get me out of prison while I was in there for a week or so. I guess paying the right people and having influence gets you places because this agent had managed to get a known Pirate clan leader to help her by helping me escape. She managed to get this Pirate leader a PDA and have guards turn a blind eye on the whole thing...sorta. The whole escape plan was this Pirate leader's idea. Her name was Sabrina Volkov. This agent, who used a false alias by the name of Jade - a name I'll continue to use to keep her anonymous for her protection - convinced Sabrina to help me and we created a plan that I honestly thought wasn't going to work. Quick breakdown; Sabrina had a crew on standby to ambush the Prison Ship and disrupt the power by destroying Power Capacitors. This would be timed for 15:00. By that time we would be outside our cells and eating our lunch meal but during lunch, I or Sabrina would cause a distraction drawing in guards before everything goes to hell with the outside attack. We'd slip by and try to head for the airlocks since that's closest with fewer doors to bypass. Of course, the doors, besides inmates, unlock in emergencies so emergency response staff can readily reach the emergency without needing authorization keys from guards.

The plan was nearly dead in the water when Sabrina found out via PDA message from Jade that the ship was moving locations. She gave the location and body it would orbit and Sabrina could update her crew when given the chance to use her PDA. We kicked it off and the whole thing went to shit really quickly, to be honest. I got into a preemptive fight and the whole blocks guard detachment dropped on us. I still remember the violence. What I had to do just to keep certain psychopaths away from me. The fighting was preemptive like I said and not long after the assault on the Megaship began and boy was it more than what we expected. Long story short; the Power Capacitors were destroyed and it disabled power to the engine's propulsion for some reason. The ship fell into the Gas Giant tearing itself to pieces on the way down killing everyone besides a few escape pods, myself and Sabrina. She was picked up at the airlock luckily for her as I was bladed out the airlock loading doors as this amazing pirate crew attempted to blow it open by force since emergency protocols had kicked in and locked down non-essential things like Cargo bay airlocks. When I think back on it, it hurts my head how a bunch of Idiot pirates managed to take out an entire Prison Ship by accident. And of course, engage with local security when they arrived. The original plan was to have us broken out and gone before security arrived but no...that didn't happen. There were so many issues with the plan but...I made it out and thankfully due to...I hate to say it but...Sabrina and her crew.

She took me to Joku, some anarchy backwater system, where I tried to reach Thal. I managed and we met up to talk. She was happier than ever to see me...but...[#@!$]. I...I went to see her after I left and she was gone. Her ship was ransacked. Catastrophic damage on the outside. So bad so that the interior wasn't pressured properly. I checked everywhere for a body...I looked [#@!$] everywhere and couldn't find one. Nothing! Thal....she was gone and I don't know how or why. Just...gone. That day I just sulked and drank at the bar a bit in Joku. I think "Jade" sent out a message to Aurora and the others because they all came, Aurora first. She...she talked with me about it all once I told her and we shared this...special moment. Like...we understood each other or could relate. She'd lost her father recently and my heart honestly breaks for her. We shared emotions and honestly...I was quite a mess. I mean...to lose someone but not really know if you lost them...but...[#@!$]...I know I lost her. I just have this feeling she's....gone and after everything we've been through and done together it...hurts.

I guess my time was up because Sabrina finally came to me and tried to offer me a job on her crew. I said no, and then she tried pulling a guilt trip on me. Saying I owed her for saving my life...and maybe she's right but to join her crew? It almost felt like I wasn't getting much of an option. So I told her off and headed to the concourse bar with Aurora where we ran into Sharales and 'Novus'. Didn't get long to catch up with them when Sabrina sent her clowns after me. Two guards to escort me to wherever she was. I'd have turned and started a fight but I complied and said I'd meet them in five minutes. That I wanted to catch up with friends but of course, I used that time to get out to which I did. Left with Aurora and we headed back to the Solaris to hang out and chat. Watch a movie. Being with her helped a lot. Getting my mind off everything. She actually managed to secure me my own cabin which is honestly a godsend. I'd been sleeping in my ship since I hate the crew quarters on the Carriers. Anyway, spend a few days doing nothing. Like...literally nothing but lay in bed. Aurora did stop by though at one point and we chatted a bit more. While we talked I actually got a PDA message from Sabrina. She was using an Unknown contact ID but she mention knowing where Thallia was and I knew it couldn't be anyone else. I wanted to go right then and there. I was emotionally charged but Aurora was the one who told me it was a trap and she was right. I just...didn't see it then. She told me to ignore it and I did knowing who probably sent it. The two of us spent our time watching another movie. This one being some Imperial Action Comedy. Forget the name because it was so bad. Ended up sleeping over too and...we just had good fun. This stuff I needed to keep my mind occupied. I don't know if Aurora reads these but...thank you again. For everything.

But the next day later I decided to go to that location Sabrina had sent. To see if she was really just bluffing. I contacted her back and we came up with a meeting location in...Mikinii I think. Some boring settlement. Went as well as you'd expect for an ambush. She obviously didn't have anything, and I wasn't having the bullshit. I was hoping we could come to a compromise. Like...maybe I get her something? Supplies...guns...I don't care. But no...she just wanted to throw me in with her crew. I said no and she took it a step further by trying to coarse me. What a [#@!$]. As you can guess...escalated from there. Turned into a firefight and Aurora got hurt. She had a CSF team on standby but it took them a bit to arrive. We held out but she was hit pretty hard by one of those dirty [#@!$]. Put their hands on....sorry. Anyway...the CSF team came and...guess you could say rescued us. Once they cleaned the place up we headed back for my ship that we took out. Headed back for the Solaris. I decided to pick up some food and we hung out in her quarters for a bit. She...Aurora got me this gorgeous necklace. It's...this purple that kinda shifts colour in the light. Has these stars that go around it. It's hard to explain but if I could show an image it's...beautiful and I'm...really thankful for it. So thank you Aurora. I love it.

But yeah. I know it's been a jump in time from my last log. Just been...not doing great since then. I was on the road to peace and not using force but...threw that out the window. Can't live in this messed-up galaxy as a Pilots Fed not getting into some conflict. It's a part of me even. So...yeah. Might touch on that another time otherwise this could go on for too long. So closing this off now. Thanks for tuning in to my chaotic experiences in this vast galaxy.

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