Logbook entry


02 Jan 2022Isabella Levine



LOG TYPE - Audio


VOICE RECOGNITION: Commander Isabella Levine


"Alright, a new log. First things first, Happy New Year everyone. Hope this one goes better than my last."

"But...back on my original topic to discuss - I wanted to quickly bring up my latest log. It was pretty dramatic and understandably so. I am being hunted down by a rogue Imperial Intelligence agent and his investigation is unworthy and criminal. It's all personal and he's fabricated evidence to convict me as a terrorist. Blah, blah, blah, Isabella. But, we have something! Both good news and bad news. The good news is that with TITAN Contractors resources - A CSF Recon team - was able to find and infiltrate a local Imperial listening post and pull some comms data from it. Turns out that the data was heavily encrypted but thanks to some Commanders within the Squadron with good crypto know-how, they managed to crack it and reveal how evil Agent Corbett and his IISS asset or whatever Agent Hector Wolf really are. How corrupt they are. The Commanders that cracked the encryption will stay anonymous unless they themselves choose otherwise considering the infiltration of secure Imperial communications is...kinda Illegal. Especially breaking its encryption but it wasn't me so they can't hang me for it!"

"I'll include the decrypted Dialog here for public view. The Empire themselves need to be aware of a rogue agent within the IIS and be called on it. This can't be buried so please share this amongst your peers. Here's the following:"

WARNING: Classified Imperial Communication


CORB: Wolf, what's the sitrep on Levine? Have you made progress with the warrant?

WOLF: No. It's proving more difficult than anticipated. We keep hitting roadblocks. My team and I are doing everything we can, Corbett. Added pressure isn't exactly speeding the process up.

CORB: I haven't come this far to lose this little weasel, Wolf. She's supposed to be locked away but somehow, some god damn way, she manages to escape.

CORB: The timing and planning is too coordinated to be random and lucky. She's had help from the outside. My speculation is someone in your team is helping her.

CORB: It started at May City in LP 940-115. Her 'friends' suddenly showed up after I restricted all communications on her. She was supposed to disappear quietly and without commotion.

WOLF: You think there's someone helping Levine?

CORB: Yes, I just said that. The prison ship is another situation where she had help. I, along with a small team, captured a pirate leader called Sabrina Volkov.

CORB: She was the woman who had the original escape plan. I interrogated her, and she said that the plan was 'FUBAR' when the megaship jumped systems.

CORB: But, a woman - from the outside - gave her the location of where the megaship was jumping to next, so her crew could ambush. On top of that, she was given a PDA within the prison ship. This outside contact's name, according to Ms. Volkov, is 'Jade'. This seems like a false alias, which makes me believe it's one of your agents, Wolf.

WOLF: Dammit. Okay. If we have a rat, we'd have to split resources to find them - and remove them permanently. Was there anything else from this Volkov?

CORB: No. Nothing else was of use. But, whoever this agent is that's helping Levine - they need to be disposed of. Permanently.

WOLF: Understood. We'll continue to work on obtaining that warrant. This 'TITAN Contractors' squadron is being a royal pain in my ass. Give me military assets and I could forcibly make them surrender Levine.

CORB: Too noisy. Do without. Get that warrant and shut this whole thing down. I want Levine. Bring down the squadron if you have to - but we cannot start a war with them right now.

WOLF: You told me you wanted Levine as soon as possible. Obtaining the warrant is going too slow. Get me a line to the navy and I'll make this happen yesterday.

CORB: I'm not looking to make a public mess of this, Wolf. Control yourself. Besides, if we go after the squadron with force, it's likely they'll be defended by the local Federal jurisdiction.

WOLF: Fine. You're right. But what do you expect me to do? Keep trying to get the warrant? Whoever these guys are, they're good. They know exactly how to stall the process.

CORB: How long is it going to take?

WOLF: Maybe another week, or a few days if we get lucky. By then, she'll likely be gone. Hell, what's to say she isn't already? I'm willing to bet this squadron has smuggled her off somewhere.

CORB: If that's the case, and you didn't bother to track her, then we're going to have a big problem.

WOLF: I have some agents working on it now. So what do you want me to do?

CORB: She cannot be allowed to escape, Wolf. If you can't get the warrant, then you need to remove her from the picture completely.

WOLF: Are you asking me and my team to assassinate Levine?

CORB: Is that going to be an issue?

WOLF: ... No. But, we don't even know where she is.

CORB: Sure. But, I might have an idea. Have you taken a look into this squadron's background yet?

WOLF: A little. Why?

CORB: 'TITAN Contractors'... an independent corporation founded in January 3306 by a Commander named Quinton Marshall. He's no longer the leader, however.

CORB: Instead, the squadron is led by some Federal woman, 'Aurora Adair'. Rings a bell?

WOLF: Yes. I know she's the current owner of the squadron. What's your point?

CORB: My point is that; I've seen this woman before. She scrambled to Levine's defense when she pulled that party trick at May City. So, I would imagine that if the entire owner of a squadron came after her, that there's some kind of connection here.

WOLF: Right. Okay. So, you want me to go after this 'Aurora'?

CORB: Ah, now you're getting it, Wolf.

CORB: Make it happen. If Levine won't play nice and turn herself in - then we'll just have to force her hand.

WOLF: Consider it done, sir. We'll see what we can do.

CORB: Good. Don't let me down, Wolf. I'd hate to be disappointed.


Long, I know, but important. Here you hear them mention a potential assassination on me! On me! This is insane! That's where the bad news starts. I have a potential target on my head for a covert Assassination. I'm saying this publicly because...you know...government corruption and all. Want to go on record saying; I'm perfectly happy, I'm in an undisclosed location with a close friend Aurora and I'm living my life how I want to. Everything is...relatively fine. But second to that, Aurora is now in danger of being targeted. They're trying to attempt to use her to draw me out. Now think about that. How's that okay? They called me a terrorist!? This is unbelievable!"

"Ugh! Unreal. But that's the biggest news I have. Smaller stuff is that I've spent some more time working on my Cobra Mk III exploration ship. I know normal people take an Asp Explorer or better yet, an Anaconda as a deep space exploration vessel and home, but my Cobra is small and mighty and I love it. I've stripped the shields for weight but paid for my lightweight hull to be reinforced deep plating. Should help for possible High G worlds and a rough landing. I modified the power distributor for engines, my FSD has already been tampered with for long-range, and a Guardian hybrid power plant. Next, I need to work on the thrusters and find someone who can work the sensor to be lighter. I sit at 50 light-years of range. But...man it's difficult getting materials. Boring and time-consuming. Regardless, I've renamed my ship from Star Dance to...Starlight. I...I did it because...Thallia...she...that was her nickname for me. I still miss her so much. She's gone but...I've learned to move on I guess. Just thinking back to what we had together makes me miss her but...yeah."

"Last bit of news is that the agent mentioned in the comms log up above - 'Jade' - has contacted me. I know that's not her name but she's wanting to meet in an undisclosed location. A system that's far out of the way. Not sure yet, details are to come but I'll have to tell Aurora because I don't have a ship and I'm not using Apex to arrive at a private meeting. That wouldn't be very acceptable. But anyway, that's all I've got for now. Thanks for listening and...hopeful this shows that I'm not a terrorist or anything they claim me to be. I'm innocent."

"Commander signing off."

Once again, thank you Radium for making the images and the overall ARG for this mini Arc. Awesome stuff!
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