Logbook entry


16 Mar 2022Isabella Levine



LOG TYPE - Audio


VOICE RECOGNITION: Commander Isabella Levine



Haha, well...hello good people that tune into my logs. It's been...three months since my last log and I honestly can't even remember what I put in it. Might have been me freaking out or something. Well, I guess I should explain why I've been away for so long. Been going through a mental rough patch for a while after everything with that damn Imperial IISS agent coming after me.

For those who might not know, that [#@!$]hole tried working with an NMLA terrorist to set me up as if I was the one working and supporting them. Ironic that the one accusing me of working and supporting the NMLA was the one doing it himself. Ugh, long revenge story to get after my deceased father but found out he died and went after me anyways. Doesn't matter because we won. Got the bastard locked up...for now. But after that things weren't exactly in the clear for me. I did lose my Imperial Citizenship so that's cool. Now I'm officially not a citizen of any power but...independent so maybe that's not so bad.

I guess a quick recap on things that happened recently; Aurora and I are now together. We're a thing and I know I'm late to that party but...yeah. We were a thing before actually but I'm just now saying as I think Aurora made a log already talking about us. She's a wonderful person and she has such a big caring heart. She's raw with emotions and never masks up. She's honest in how she expresses herself and I love the way she does. She's...special and I feel so comfortable with her like if she...was a best friend...a sister...my lover. All of it at once.

She's perfect to me and I know I was with someone before...Thal and I loved her too...I just. Every person has what feels like an aura about them and Aurora feels the most right. Not that I wasn't happy with Thallia because I was but...I moved on I guess after losing her and the one thing that fixes the hole was someone who was on my side from when I first met them and that's Aurora. Plus she's pretty damn sexy too if you asked me just look at her...buuut....I won't gush too much here.

She's beautiful inside and out and I can see how much the squadron commanding takes a toll on her. It bothers me, especially with what's been going on in the Solaris in the past few weeks which is something I can go over another time. I also do believe that Aurora already made logs about it. But regardless, I've found her in the dumps a few times and it hurts because I don't know what to do about it. Can't just tell her to walk away from it or ignore it? It's so much pressure on her and it's mentally draining. I can see it and feel it sometimes.

But thankfully for the two of us we just recently went Resort on an Earth-Like World to blow off some steam. Obsidian Resort it's called. A large resort on an Island or whatever of an Earth-Like in the Ltt 12058 System. A 3 if I remember correctly. It's a beautiful location actually but very expensive to rent out one of the 20 rooms that there are. It's actually a place where people with some notoriety can lay low and kill time so it draws an interesting crowd of people but keeps others away. So it's a plus negative depending on how you look at it. Personally, I'd love to go back there as Aurora and I had one hell of a time. I mean it looks out to the beach that you can walk for miles on as well as pools if it's too dangerous to swim in the water.

Aurora and I spent a lot of time on the beach actually. We just held hands and walked...talking about things. Took a dip in the pool and in the ocean even but I can't really swim so I don't really go out far. Even in a pool. Yes, that's right. A Commander that can fly space crafts and fight like hell but can't swim. Don't get me started on extravehicular activities. I'll glue to your arm the whole time.

But yeah, our room was really nice too. Walk-in and to your left is the kitchen. Stove, fridge what you'd expect. Ahead of that is the dining room table. To the right of that is the entrance to our bedroom and against the wall actually, we have a jukebox. To the left is a large sofa against the wall and a table with a holoscreen TV on it. From there is a set of sliding glass doors that have a one-way view so outside lookers can't see inside so max privacy. The deck outside, since we're several feet up on the second story, had a table and some sun chairs. Nothing special besides the view of the beach and water. Our bedroom is what you would expect too. Large double bed for two, a window that's one way too, wardrobe. Then a nice bathroom that's connected to our bedroom. Has a bathtub and a shower. Obviously. I actually used the bathtub, because who wouldn't, and oh my. I need it. Never felt so relaxed. Had these fancy jets in them that blew water underneath. Could've been a jacuzzi. But yeah. AMAZING room and AMAZING resort. I mean the price had to be worth it.

So now we're back on the Solaris for a bit. Continuing the Omega Squadron Trip. Never mentioned that but it's a several-phase trip starting in the bubble, heading to Colonia, and then to the center. We're on phase two and it's the generation ships. Solaris had some work done on it too and I'm actually right now sitting in one of the new rooms on the command deck. Ah! Almost forgot, Violet is back with me on the Solaris. Some might not know who she is but long story short, I pulled her out of a massacred settlement several months ago back in October of last year. Styx system. Was an overthrow of the sitting admin of the system and controlling faction...blah blah...emotionally traumatized the both of us I think. But she's been good overall.

I've been keeping a close eye on her and Aurora and I did have a sit down with her about how she's feeling. I mean...she doesn't have a family anymore and we've kind of become it. Violet has a mother but she's abusive...she's toxic. So...I'm kinda taking care of her and I've even put her through school. She wanted to be a ship engineer or...work within design of ships and she's still going through with it. Doing really good too actually. The kid is intelligent.

One time we had her out with us exploring and we parked Aurora's ship out on this world. Guess Aurora and I were too loud once and...well...loud as in we were watching this uhmm...video...about cats...anyway, Violet actually managed to bypass the security authorization systems inside the ship without using an E-breach. She was the E-breach she somehow tricked the system to open but she nearly blew herself up with the decompression. That's when we had our talk because I was worried about her doing things like this. I mean I caught Violet tampering with my PDA, the little brat.

Anyway, after being back from the resort and having Aurora and this trip to look forward to, I feel much better and recharged and I had the spontaneous need to make this log so here I am. I'm much happier than I was a while ago and being with Aurora helps me as much as I know it helps her. Together we're strong and I know we can make it through anything. Even what's been happening in the Squadron recently with being hunted by these...people.

Again, I think Aurora talked about it but we have been getting targeted and it's not good. I don't know who they are but there have been a few cyber attacks and I've helped a little, virtually, with some encryption we've come across. One I cracked with the help of others had names of the Crimson Venators.

Even Aurora's name on it. But uhhmm...I try not to bother myself with it as right now I can't do anything. Just keep Aurora safe and happy. I love her more than anything and I won't let these sickos get to her. She's already stressed and...she hurt herself breaking her leg a week or two ago. She talked about that too but yeah. I think it's the stress and fear of it all. I'll do anything to protect her.

Ugh, yeah. Anyway, that's all I got right now. Three months have been hectic but our time together at that resort really was needed. Glad it happened and glad I'm back. So...there. Thanks if you made it this far and talk to you all later...sometime. Bye guys.

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