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10 May 2019Rabid Kiwi
Just another day. Got a enough bottles to last me the night, then got in good ol' Leto. This time I kitted the tyrant out to go mining. I don't really need the cash, Tabillia knows I have enough of that. I just wanted to get some iron and nickel, thought I should make some cash while I did that. I have been eyeing the vet and would like to get above 4 billion before I buy it. I don't know why I should get one, I am just a simple space trucker. Oh I got my combat leet, but just by killing bugs. Easy things to kill those bugs, you got enough hull and speed with some AX gats and they just splat on out. Still it comes in handy, the only people who try to interdict and combat leet is some one you just got to run from. So it saves us space truckers time. No green back pirate is going to try and pull a c'leet out of SC.

I just got another 20 tons of ore, damn what is that 15 mil? I don't see why people don't mine in the I'cutter. Put some good thrusters on it and whe can dance for ya. Not as good as a 'thon, but good enough. Can't beat the cargo hold on it as well. Just gotta run a good shield on it. Cost too much to keep repairing it. Damn got to pop another bottle... I may not be a pirate, but I sure as nova drink like one. What is better than just sitting back with a good rum and letting these little limps make you mountains of cash?

This S&R 'conda has been tailing me for the last twenty min or so. I just dumped some gallite and it scooped it up and jumped. So easy to bait those guys away.I would not mind them tail'n me if they just used secure coms. Those guy broadcast'n in the open is just asking for pirates to find you mining. Then you have to bounce out and sale what you got, in place of staying and getting more. They were annoying at first until I learned how to bait them. Now I just scan 'n bait. It really is all so simple once you get the hang of this.

I remember not three years ago starting out. It took me months to make 100 mil. Running them long hauls from Ceos, in Helo. Good ol' Helo the best ASP X ever made, saw me through so many rough times. Now it takes less than an hour to make 100 mil. I guess experience helps us grow, just got to stick with it and learn from you failures. My first cobra was lost due to a pirate, did not have enough to buy it back and had to get a 'winder and start over. Never repeated that one again. I never flew another ship that i could not buy back.

Well it is time to get some grub. I hope this new auto chef is better than the last. That last one could burn Nova Ramen taste like burnt ass. Speaking of burnt ass, I heard there is another station that need people rescued from the bugs. I may have to go out there tomorrow and help those poor souls. It may not pay well, but it makes me feel better. I really should start bringing people along now, hire a crew. I can spread the wealth and help a few other souls get started on their addiction to the void. Tabillia knows I have had my fair share of luck. Time to give back to the void, and pass on this hard earned knowledge.

CMDR Rabid Kiwi
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