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Cold Loving Embrace.

22 Oct 2020Rabid Kiwi

Found a big one today. A IV no less. I call it Darth Maul. I hunkered down for the night on a moon that no one has ever seen before. Nothing grand about it, other than that. Still searching can't put my finger on it, something is out here I can feel it in my bones. They think me crazy, that it will be thousands of years before humans are out this far. But what is a thousand years to the universe? It is nothing not even a flicker of flame in the wind. I find peace out here, it is a pureness of the soul that washes clean your worries. It is not about finding anything out here to me, it is about losing all that weight. I come to to the void as a prostrated beggar, weighed down before her by the over bearing weight of the universes ills. But out here that weight is stripped clean, and all that remains is my self.  

The cold loving embrace of mother void hits you, and lets you know just how small and petty your problems are. That vixen of the grandiose had birthed colossal monuments to infinity, that makes the creations and machinations  of humans seem childish and simple. That mistress of chaos whos creations can make any one weep, lures us out from our safe homes. It was her voice that whispered us in to taking flight. It was her gentle touch that took us into space. It was her ideals that broke light speed, and it was her will that gave us access to witch space. I kneel at her alter, and abash my inability to fully comprehend infinity. It is because of that I could never fathom the depths of her beauty. This sleep cycle I shall dream of her creations, but these dreams pail when compared to their real counterparts.

Good Hunting o7
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