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The Protean Coil of the Abstract

18 Jan 2021Rabid Kiwi
( This is a four part journal a documentation of my madness if you will. I would suggest you read the first three... well first. [1] [2] [3] )

So now we are to abstract thinking right. Because that is what separates us from everything else. That is the platform that shows we humans are the bee's knee's, up there on the top like fat kats. That is why we have morality and nothing else does, because we can think of concepts and label them as real. Alas, as we have been down this road, what we call abstract thinking is the last trait you need for complete consciousness.... Only it is better known as problem solving skills...

Now our life form can observe, record, and react, but it still needs to be able to predict. Well the brain already has a prediction model, it uses it when it fills in the gaps of the missing bits of data to make the construct of the environment inside the organism.  So much like how brain  just fills in the blanks, problem solving takes all that is stored and applies it to the now. That problem solving skill is the foundation of abstract thinking. The more memory the organism has, the greater problem solving it has, the greater problem solving the more illusionary based the consciousness is.

Here is were it gets tricky so hold on. The past is no longer, all we have is a memory or some physical recoding of it. Now memories are funny in that each time they are recalled they are changed slightly then restored with the change. That is how it works that is how little bits change over time. So the past we remember is not real, it happened but it is no longer. So we build a construct or a concept in our minds that we label as past experience, but it is not real it is an illusion. However the problem solving has to use it as real so it can process and make a solution. It is that gap there, right there, when that gap gets filled consciousness is now requiring an subjective illusion as a substitute for reality. That is the point that makes us susceptible to morality, that is the foundation of abstract thinking. Because the brain will do what ever it needs to do to survive and move on. It creates illusions as an control method to regulate our survival. It creates what it needs, or assume it needs for us to live through what ever stress that is applied. Shock/Hysterical blindness/Delusions and so much more, that is a result of our brains filling in the gaps when it comes to stress stimuli.

So we are drawn to morality for two reasons. Our problem solving needs it to justify its own function, and to limit our problem solving function. We are close to at a point that our consciousness realizes the transitory existence we have, but accepting this goes against the number one rule of the brain, Solve problems to survive. So it needs a control to stop the problem solving from going to far down some roads. So the brain uses what tools it has, illusions. It uses morality to sate the problem solving questing. It uses these illusions to prop up the self, and build the self illusion. It is the illusion of self that makes us think we are different than any other lifeform. That humans can do this when x can not. But really the only thing that separates us from everything else is our ability to store and pass on knowledge at a massive scale. So the only difference between us and them is Data.

Now once you understand all this, really understand it you will know that Raxxla. is just and Ideal, it is an concept. The people like me who looked for it are all chasing a subjective illusion. Once you look over the clues you realize that there are no real clues. The clues each hunter accepts as truth is a subjective choice, one that most of them do not realize they are making. That is why we are all mad. Alas, some place deep inside of me, in a dark primal fog, I found my Raxxla. I am not sure I even made it back alive. There is only one thing I am sure of, that is life was better before..... Before Raxxla.

( Thank you for reading all these, I had a blast writing this short story, It was really fun to do the mix of insanity with philosophy. I think it really highlights The Enlighten Paradox. { The more enlighten you become the less ability you have to communicate it so that people understand it. } Still was really fun to write, and I got to mix in a lot of my work on consciousness. I hope this finds you all well, and Good Hunting o7)
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