Logbook entry

Story of some Journey #1

14 Jan 2019Pamparampam_666

My first journal entry. I never thought I would be writing a... Diary. But I guess there is a point in every explorer's life when they want to leave something after, except a name stitched to discovered and/or mapped body.

So I've joined the Distant Wold 2 expedition. You may call it just "impulse". Few hours left for enlisting... So I did. Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of long distances. I've been far from Sol, far from the Bubble. But I've never been a part of something that big, and until last day I wasn't sure if I want to come. I've heard stories and rumors about those who came back and those who went lost during the previous expedition. And I guess... I felt I wanted to be part of this.

So, long story short, my beloved ASP Explorer, Renegade the Second (or just Renegade II) was ready from the beginning, 'cause hey, if He survived the 5kLy long trip, there will be no problem with over an 80kLy, right?


I'm lucky I have friends in the black. They returned me to Shinrarta Dezhra to buy the AFMU. They said I should buy at least one - or, better - two of these. So I did, and I admit, they were right (and it's hard for me to admit it - after all, I'm a woman, duh). I just hope that the sacrifice of two cargo racks wasn't a mistake. I think I have enough supplies for the journey. Or I'll die from dehydration or starvation alone in the void.

Sooooo... On 13th of January, we've departed from Pallaeni, just ordinary system in the Bubble. Meeting point ah the beacon and... Hell, it was crowded! I've managed to take one single picture from the beacon before we launched, but now something is wrong and I just can't make this thing work. Oh, well, whatever, pictures will be next time. Maybe.

Where was I? Oh yes, the Pallaeni system. At 19:00 We got out destination. Omega Nebula. Under 6kLy from a current position. Ok, cool, no biggie. Done that.

So, 19:59, everyone is ready, you can feel the tension in the air... Well technically it wasn't air, fine, but It's a figure of speech, okay? Deal with it. So yes, tension, all that nervous stuff, and here we go, 20:00.

4... 3... 2... 1... Ju... System malfunction. Nooooo, don't do it to me, sweetheart, not now, it's not the best... Oh, wait, it not only my ship. See those ships drifting just like me? Ooooh riiiight, again problems with the whole system. I guess I'll just sit here and wait in the middle of nowhere. Maybe I'll grab a cup of coffee?

And after a really big cup of coffee, systems came back online. Finally. So, yeah, yeah, 4, 3, 2, 1 and go! I left the Bubble, jumping system after system, scanning to see if something particularly odd will be on my way... And what I see in my comms? "Are you even flying to the first viewpoint?".

Well, obviously I am. I'll even check my galaxy map, although I am 100% sure that I am flying to...

Nope, I am not.

Damn you, galaxy map! You've fooled me again. Curses and Thargoid interceptors into your... Memory... Core... Thingy... Or whatever!

So yes, I am flying straight to Omega Nebula, ignoring the viewpoints like a boss. So, a quick correction to HR 6164. The View. O-type star, neutron star (dammit) and two black holes (goddammit... *giggles*). Oh, and the landable planet has over 3G. If there is one thing that I hate in the entire galaxy except for bugs is PLANET LANDING. God, I HATE planet landings. Don't get me wrong, I know how to land, 9 out of 10 times I'll land without even scratching my shields. Just I'm not a big fan of this.

So, on my way to HR 6-whatever. Jump, fuel scoop, scan, jump fuel scoop, scan, jump, fuel scoop, sca... Oh hey, undiscovered system! So, 1kLy passed rather quickly, and I jumped straight into HR 6164. That's a bright star. But I think I've seen brighter... Really. And a neutron star of course. By the way, there is a tourist installation, and it's damn close, about 0,6Ls? What kind of maniac would like to spend a vacation here? And oh, there is a black hole, right next to it. That's a no from me, thank you, you may leave the stage, next, please!

But what's really cool in this system is one of the planets. Metal-rich body. HR 6164 ABC 1. You can easily see both stars from its surface, and both black holes (*giggles*). Oh, an that's the one with over 3G. So first, few pictures of its pinkish surface and rings. I must say the view is pretty amazing. For a metal-rich body with rings. But why pink?

Ok, whatever, I think I made this log quite long. Quite too long, so it's time to finish. I'm off to sleep, hopefully, I'll find my way for next viewpoints. Pictures next time.

Over & out.

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