Logbook entry

The Great Pulsar Expedition.

31 May 2019Atheist
A large space adventure, during which the galaxy was crossed along at least four times, the sound of the warp became like a breath of air, and the crew of the ship almost lost their lives one time. What were the goals and objectives of the expedition, which lasted 4 years? Immerse in the case file.

The Great Pulsar Expedition.

A bit of history.

A long time ago, upon a time, when the maximum jump was equal to 35-40 light years, and neutron stars were simple grains of sand in the sky, I came across the news about the hottest star in the system PSR J1856-3754.
Almost all of the discoveries only happening by an accident but here was a different situation, the hottest stars can only be pulsars, is special neutron stars, whose temperature is about 100 times higher than normal neutron stars.
At the same time, in contrast to ordinary neutron stars or any other stars, there are a well-defined number of them in the galaxy.
It was decided to collect information on all known pulsars in the galaxy, and personally measure the temperature of each of them! Thus was born the plan of the Great Pulsar Expedition.

Early stage.
Second half of 3301 - the expedition began. After collecting the latest savings and equipping the best research ship by modern standards, I set off. Passed through the Orion-Cygnus Arm, the 3kpc Arm and Galactic Bar. Having discovered many pulsars, among which were PSR J1022+1001, PSR J1852+0031, PSR J1915+1009, and many others. But due to unforeseen circumstances, I had to postpone a further route for an unforeseen period of time.

Technical leap.
In the 3302 year, it became possible to significantly improve the efficiency of jumps, further and faster make a route, as well as charging FSD in jets, all these technologies increased many times the comfort and speed of moving around the galaxy, which prompted me to expand the maps over again and achieve the goal I set myself before.
In addition, charging technology from jets allowed to reach some previously inaccessible pulsars! The old ship was decommissioned and a new, Anaconda Explorer was fully equipped at second half of 3302.

Late stage.
Continuing the expedition, to my surprise, it turned out that all my work was done by another pilot -
CMDR Dagnarius. During this time, he was able to visit all the pulsars, including discovered be me ones.
But then I did not yet know the results of his accomplishments. The expedition was decided to continue.
Ironically, the expedition that I started first, I will finish only the second...
Regarding hard-to-reach ones, many of them have also been discovered by the
CMDR naHK (before the technical leap)  and CMDR ShadowNUAR (after), whose contribution I also want to mention here.

Expedition report.
Having visited all currently available pulsars in the entire Milky Way galaxy, I am,
CMDR Atheist, with great regret, but with absolute certainty, stating a fact - the hottest available object of the galaxy at the moment is PSR J1856-3754A with a temperature of 985.067,520.00K.

Yes, some of the objects known to me are close to this value, but none of them exceeds it. A rather disappointing result, considering how large the our galaxy is and in what proximity to the cradle of mankind is this record holder. But, anyway, there is still a small handful of pulsars not available to us, to get to them now is impossible, but who knows what progress we will reach, maybe one of them will be the hottest?

-CMDR Atheist, 3305
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