Logbook entry

No one touches my ship but me, EVER!

06 May 2019Marlfan1
Ok, so shoot me!

I'm sorry but there is a limit to how long I can stand to be a flying septic tank!  Imagine, a Corvette, one of the most lethal, knee-knocking, bowel-loosening dread inducing combat ships available today hauling Bio waste!

It ain't right!  I don't care who you are, you just can't ask me to do that for very long!  I mean, you don't want to see a grown man cry do ya?

I have the utmost respect for GrendelShogun and TDOG, and I'll fly into any combat zone you want with you but, please, don't make me do that septic run anymore!  I get making the new guy pay his dues, and hazing new plebs and all, but I am DONE with that sh@# (no pun intended).

And before you ask, no.  I did not check with the boss before making a run for it.  I parked Vengeance, gave my fighter a couple of weeks off, jumped into Jimeny Cricket, my DBX, and took off towards Jameson's crash site to begin a little calming exploration for a bit.  I have wanted to get out there since before I even got my wings, to pay my respects.  

Got to the system, Honked and did the whole FSS system scan complete thing.  Flew in to map the rocks with signal sources, saving Jameson's for last.  Had to land there, go in for myself and see the ship; listen to and record his last 4 log entries.  Man, that was sobering!  Listening to his voice and hearing the excitement as he started out on a mission he felt was so monumentally important he had to miss an event with his kid.  You could hear how honored he felt to have been asked to do something he thought would be a noble attempt to help his species protect itself.  It was fascinating to hear the story develop through the tone of his voice as he recorded his experience on that last day of his life.  Hearing that he had second thoughts about deploying it, his realization that it wasn't what he was told it would be, then the regret and horror as he realized what he had been deceived into doing.  Wow.  How do you handle something so monumentally against everything you stand for, everything you are?

Then as his ship began to malfunction and he scrambled to get it back up, finally realizing as it continued to crash system by system that it was doing just what it was supposed to do.  Just what the powers that be told it to do.  Jameson comes to the realization that not only was he tricked into doing the unforgivable, he was betrayed to the utmost by those he trusted most.  He wasn't meant to come back.

His final entries as he recorded what had happened, how he was betrayed and murdered showed in his voice his contempt for his murderers.  Finally, the regret and love for his child as he said goodbye for the last time on this side of forever.

Man!  How do I handle this?  What do I do?  The way I see it, I've got two choices.  1.  Get drunk.  Knee walkin', commode huggin' drunk.  2.  Or Pray.  take it to the Lord.

Yes, I still believe.  The rapture hasn't happened, we're doing things not covered in the Word, meeting beings not talked about.  So what?  would you have tried to explain all this to the people around in Christ's day?  It would have been too much then.

The way I see it, the earth is still there and humans are still around.  Morals still rule our lives, either we chase them or we flaunt them, but they're still there.  We still have an innate, God given sense of right and wrong regardless of how we choose to respond to it.

The rapture hasn't happened, but it just hasn't happened yet.  This whole universe is in the palm of God's hand, he won't have trouble finding any of us when he comes looking.  I think faith is strongest when its hardest to hang on to.  

<sigh>, ok.  I'll come back GS (GrendelShogun).  I'll fly that poop for you for a little longer.  But I ain't flyin' it for "them".  After this, I'm not trustin' no politician!  I'll fly it for you, GS.  You I know.  You I trust.  You have been out amidst the flying bullets and lasers and missiles right beside me.  They never have been.  But know this.  NO ONE touches my ship but ME.  EVER!
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