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Finding an edge among the Ghosts

27 Sep 2019Marlfan1
This place is creepy!  No, seriously!  I'm gettin' the heebie jeebies here!  

Guardians, eh?  Guardians of what exactly?  The galaxy I guess.  A miniature fur-ball, a walkin' tree trunk, a blue skinned hottie, a tattooed steroid meat pile, and an idiot with delusions of grandeur I bet.  Sounds like some half baked movie or something.

Why in the universe is Grendel sending me way out here to raid some haunted ruins guarded by jealous alien skimmers for junk parts of some long ago technology from some long dead alien species?  Yeah, yeah, these guys fought the bug people from outerspace.

Sorry Pops.  I shouldn't make fun like that.  I know, the Thargoids wiped out our whole family.  I don't remember it, but I know you do.  You don't like to talk about it, but when you've had a little too much Lavian Brandy you tend to get mad and start smashin' things.  Then you'll get tired and slow down.  Thats when the tears roll down your cheeks and you get that far away look in your eyes and you start living it all over again.  The farm, the family, the explosions, and the fire.  All coming at you yet again, and, again you can't save them (The Origins series, part 1).

So just why do we want their ancient technology anyway?  Aren't these guys long dead and gone?  Seems they lost.  Doesn't make their tech sound so promising to me.  I mean, sure, that FSD booster is kinda cool, but that is a heck of a grind for just 9 Ly.  That and a wee bit of caustic resistance on hull and module reinforcements.  Meh, I prefer plain ole engineered hulls & mods.  I can caustic limpet the green crud off.  The other modules just don't seem worth it at all.  I get better with less heat just engineering my own.

I gotta admit though, their weapons do seem a tad bit interestin' to say the least!  Gaus and Shard Cannons, and them fancy Ship Launched Fighters!  Now they shore look purty!
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