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Cyberian Exploration - The Beginning

12 Oct 2018Mo Ronik
This ship the MSS Sunrise is still somewhat new to me.  I bought it without knowing how to fly it and thru trial and mostly error I got it out into the black.  I fiddled with all the buttons and knobs hoping I didn't accidentally press the "blow my butt up" button.  I'm still here so I guess I can say the first excursion was a success.  

I started out at Trevithick Dock orbiting the 4th planet of system LHS 3447.  It's a mining outpost with little to offer other than some outfitting, repairs and refueling.  With a few landing pads on the outside of the station, docking can be a little tricky.  The actual docking is the same as any other space station but with the docks being scattered on the outside, finding them is a challenge.  I'm getting better at docking and understanding the controls of MSS Sunrise, my basic starter ship, and as soon as I can feel comfortable with this I plan to move to Dalton Gateway.  My ship came with a cargo rack and a basic discovery scanner but with the training missions I really don't need those right now and I can save some weight which will in turn reduce the mass and be more economical on fuel.  I have to remember to put the stored items back in the ship before the move.
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