Logbook entry

Cyberian Exploration - All Settled In

20 Oct 2018Mo Ronik
I'm all settled in my new old home. Back at the Aphra system nestled snugly in the Beckman Terminal where I belong. The fleet has been transferred and all three ships are asleep in the hanger tonight. I met up with a young fella needing money so I paid him to give the fleet a good scrubbing and he did a bang up job. They are sparkling. And, while he was washing the outsides I was cleaning out the insides. Now to find some of those pine tree scented things to hang from the rear view mirrors.

I ran a bunch of courier and data missions while waiting on the ship transfer, mostly to keep my mind off of worrying about them but they made the trip just fine. I used the extra money to upgrade MSS Proteles a bit further and she's almost ready for her maiden voyage doing something. I'll run her empty for a few jaunts and see if I get interdicted and then determine how easy or difficult it will be to evade it in this bigger ship. Mostly since she'll be used for trade deals I want to be sure I can slip away without confrontation but she does have more fire power than the other two so we'll see how that goes.

MSS Aquila is waiting in the wings for the next bounty hunting foray. I have one small problem before I can go hunting for real. My home station does not sell chaff launchers for some reason. So, I'll have to find a station that does and go get one installed. On the way I figure I can practice some evasive tactics before going on the hunt. All is well at Cyberian Exploration...
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︎0 Shiny!
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