Logbook entry

Cyberian Exploration - New Rank, New Clothes

23 Oct 2018Mo Ronik
I got a rank promotion to Trade Merchant yesterday and didn't even notice it until I stopped for the day.  I'm not actively trying to gain rank but I'll take it if and when it happens.  I did notice an increase in rewards for missions completed.  Another thing I noticed is I accept a mission at a given rate of credits and when the mission is turned in the credits are nearly double as the original agreed on contract.  Again, nothing I'm actively trying to gain but I'll take it.  So, I decided to celebrate and buy myself a new outfit more fitting to my ship colors.  Comfortable duds makes for better flying.

I have all the mechanicals working like I want on MSS Proteles so the next step is to try my hand at something different other than these data and courier missions I've been flying.  I'm going to stop at a system on my way home and pick up some passenger cabins so I'll have them and my cargo racks in storage and then I can switch out on an as needed basis.  I think with my mainstay data/courier missions, passenger hauling and trade deals I can keep myself busy for a while until I can afford the mining ship I have my eye on.  Who knows, if I like passenger hauling I might even save up for that passenger ship I really like.  Things are good here at Cyberian Exploration.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. I did get an interdiction attempt yesterday while flying MSS Proteles and she handled flawlessly in avoiding it. I wasn't sure with the bigger ship on how she's react but I was pleasantly surprised. I feel a little more confident now with moving cargo and not losing it but of course nothing is 100% safe.
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︎0 Shiny!
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