Logbook entry

Cyberian Exploration - A Grand Day Out

20 Dec 2018Mo Ronik
Yesterday was a nice day. I set out to just putter around some seeing what I could get in to. Nothing in mind at all. MSS Fang and I decided we'd do some deliveries after a few spins around the home system so I picked up some clothing for a system in some kind of war. Got promptly interdicted, or they tried anyway, as soon as I got to that system but ehhh, MSS Fang is becoming a champion at avoiding them. The station that was needing the clothing seemed very happy to get what I brought. I think it was 22 tons of it. The women and children were happy and chatting about all the items. Makes me feel good to help out like that. I asked the station manager how they were doing with food and she told me they were ok for now but the pirates were taking advantage of the situation and picking off supply ships making deliveries difficult.

After leaving that place I figured what the heck, I'll start up some cargo runs and see how far I can get until I get tired. I moved a crap ton of stuff from food cartridges to capacitors to farming equipment. Ended up doubling my bank account but that was on the back burner. I'm just glad I could help out folks in need. I did notice this new sensor I installed was busy seeing all sort of stuff I didn't see before and the data it collected was worth a bundle. I sold it all off hoping my finds will help other commanders out there. I have it all recorded in my database for future use as well. It seems as though other things came out of the sale too. I got a rank increase and now I'm considered a Scout. Ok.. nice. Then I got a communication from a nice lady named Felicity Farseer telling me I was invited to come to her location for a review of my ship's modules to see if there was anything she could do to increase their capabilities. Even nicer. I'll have to research on how to go about it but if I can get further and faster it'll sure help folks in need.

I ended my day at a planetary base and decided this time while landing I'd use my new night vision device. It worked great and I had a better feeling of where I was in relation to the planet surface. Not as exciting as instrument landings but I was tired and really didn't need the excitement. These folks were nice enough and found me a nice quiet place to call it a day. I stopped by the cafeteria and to my surprise they had made up a nice Hawaiian meat loaf just the way I make it. So with belly full of really good food I called it a night. I'll be working on MSS Fang a little today cleaning her out and doing the once over on the mechanicals to be sure everything is good for the next adventure.
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︎2 Shiny!
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