Logbook entry

Cyberian Exploration - Will The Fighting End?

21 Dec 2018Mo Ronik
Wow, past couple of days I've noticed that there is a lot of fighting going on.  Seems like every system I visit is in some state of war or civil war and there are conflict zones all around.  I must have gotten caught up one on my way to another system.  MSS Fang's cargo holds were empty and I wasn't carrying any data of any kind.  I just wanted to get to another system.  Nope, interdicted or there was an attempt anyway.  MSS Fang was solid in the evasion so no shots fired.  Crazy times we are having.

I did manage to run several more cargo missions.  Hauled capacitors, bio waste and my favorite, 33 tons of coffee.  Mmmmmmm coffee and the cargo hold still has that lingering aroma of coffee beans.  The shipper was nice enough to give me a case for my efforts so I'm set with coffee for at least another month.  Now if I can only find a shipper that needs me to move pancakes.  

The bank account is steadily growing and I'll need the cash to fully upgrade MSS Rattler.  She's the exploration ship of the fleet and I'm getting the itchy feet wanting to get out in the black, just to see what's out there.  I still need to make a visit to Miss Farseer once I get MSS Rattler's internals as far as I can get them on my own.  I'll need that big jump range if I want to survive out there where nothing is but empty space.  Done for the day and I need a good rest after today's activities.  I wonder what tomorrow will bring...
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