Logbook entry

Scouting mission Day 1

16 Jun 2020Excess Fire
Hey there commander

I'm on a exploration and mining mission out there... way way out there in the black, working on a contract for Commander Flagg, the head of the Greybeards' OV40 Squadron, I just found a good spot, fired my lasers, sent out my limpets, NO DAMNED REFINERY ON BOARD... Damn... Muppet me alright. so now I'm a scout. So..... here we go, while i hang my head in shame

Wireless go off, new instructions received,  jump 13000 lyrs to scout a suitable landing place for our carrier to refuel, damn i love these trips, gotta get there as fast as possible, not get stuck in the middle of nowhere,  survive, eat, sleep, and they still haven't fixed my toilet, geez, what do i pay these service guys for.

So... the word for this hour is... system scan complete, oh come on, give me something... please.

NO!!! that's not what i frakin meant. Hull integrity is not compromised, i am not to damn close, your exclusion zone is too damn big, bloody class y's, more time lost, just what i needed huh, destination obscured, more time again, taking heat damage, what?? its only 137 degrees, barely warm, Destiny's gunna hate me

Great, found a system that pays for today at least, sparkly green and red organic crystals, pods, 2 water worlds, and a terraformable high metal, pretty sights to see, today was worth it, not on to a boring class b, they are always alone.... bit like me really, yep, as suspected, it was alone, time to leave... and we're jumping... dead ahead

Great, so now to top it off, I'm stuck in hyperspace, did my computer really melt, damn, Destiny kicked off yet again, relog in, replot, and away we go..... smack in to a neutron, bet it already claimed. yep, by my capitaan of all people. small galaxy huh. o crap, im out fuel, main fuel tank drained message just announced that, hang, auto plot should not let me get in to this situation, I'm charged for a neutron jump and have no fuel, this aint right. YES!!! there is a fuel star 175 ls away, im saved, hopefully i can make it there, she'll be right aye, gunna make it, bloody autopilot set me up for a scare, scare easy? not this guy, and the tank is full, 300 lyr jump started.... to yet another class y, and then a class t

So Destiny's a pretty good ship, holds up to most of the shit i put her though, 74.6 standard jump range, 77.1 if I leave the srv's and shields behind, full jumponium gives her 304, cant complain at that, could do better if i dropped her shields and srv but i kinda need em, specially the way i land, yea she complains, but hey, don't we all. Bit of a hike to this water world here, but i gutza get paid aye. 2 other High Metal Terraformable's (hm-tf's) was worth the surface scan, i wasn't here first tho, terrible shame...

Continuing on, next hour and a half, nothing of consequence to be found on route until now, another previously discovered by guess who..... Capitaan Flagg of the mighty greybeards, yet again, ww and 2 hm-tf's... no surprises here, I should probably change direction but the stars are getting very few and far between, staying the course... for now. mapping them anyways, in the words of zz top.... I gutza get paid...

Final jump for the shift, a good way to to end, 4 hm-tf's . have been following the path of some other traveler for the last 10 jumps so nothing discovered first for a while, will change direction for a while once i get out of this void im thinking, not by much should do it,... i dunno, we'll see

Final jump for the shift... nothing of interest

and the final jump for the shift, another water world, and hm-tf, nice way to end huh...

Alrighty then, last jump, really, 126 yr, yep, my first jumponium jump. 6 high metals, 5 landable but with nothing of use to me

time for a sleep

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